Chapter 3- Roadside Bar

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> There's a big  ass chunk missing from this chapter. Don't read yet. Idk how but it got deleted -_-


The man had a hood over his head, partly covering his black curly hair and completely shrouding his face in darkness. He had on a Black sweat shirt with jeans and Jordans. Pretty casual for what task he had to complete in a few moments, but like usual he did not care.

People liked to call him Death. Well, people that saw him right before they died.

The mysterious man in black aka "Death" stood in front of a penthouse on top of a hill. Whistling happily, he get's out of his car and throws his keys in his front pocket. He walks up to the front door of the penthouse and rings the doorbell. He doesn't even have to do that, but he's hell bent on keeping the little bit of  his humanity he has left.

The door opens and is answered by a little blonde 6 year old. She's stands on the chair with a big smile plastered on her face. "Hi mister, are you here for my daddy?" She says sweetly. Guilt flashes through the man's eyes, and is gone as quickly as it came. This was his life now, he had no choice.

"Yes, go get him" He says. More of a command than a request. Being polite to the sweet little girl would only make things harder. Her face falls, as she gets off the chair. Pouting at the coldness in his voice, she turns around and runs, leaving the door wide open.

He doesn't blink as he waits, for a full 5 minutes, the door still wide open. A few moments later a short woman comes to the door. Probably the maid or nanny. Her eyes widen as she sees him, as if she knows what he is. She tells the little girl to go to her room, while never taking her eyes off of him.

"La puissance du seigneur vous oblige" She says in her thick french accent. "You are not welcome here" she adds. He ignores her and resists the urge to slap her, as he pushes his way into the house. He knows exactly where the man is, he is tired of waiting. His job must be done.

He takes his time walking up the stairs and laughs, thinking of a memory. Get it together he thinks to himself. This isn't the time for jokes.

He stops at the top of the stairs. There's a long hallway leading off to several different doors and a big room in the back, with the door wide open. He looks at his reflection in the glass window, not disgusted by what he saw on the outside, but disgusted by what he saw on the inside.

He stops at the second to last door, not bothering to open it. Walking through the door, he stops on the other side, He sees a short middle aged man sitting at a desk, watching porn. He rolls his eyes hard.

"I hope I'm not interrupting?" Death asks. The short man jumps up startled, and begins trying to explain himself until he turns around facing Death.

"What's wrong? You're not happy to see me? That's very hurtful towards my feelings" He pouts. The man, being scared shitless, starts backing up. Death looks bored and gets right to the point, not having the time to play with his prey. "Look, I'm here to kill you. Luckily I don't feel too bad about ending your worthless life since you're a rapist. See you in hell".

Not giving the man enough time to react, Death is suddenly standing behind him. Lifting the man in the air he reaches into the mans chest and rips his heart out his body. in a split second. He drops the man on the floor and begins whistling. Stepping over the body, lying in a pool of dark red blood, the sound of porn can still be faintly heard.



I down my 14th shot for the night, desperate to forget the events of last night. I feel like i can return some normalcy to my life when i'm batshit drunk. I order 8 bottles of whatever looks the most dangerous. After downing the first 5 bottles with another halfway gone in my hand i stumble outside of the strip club.

I bash my head into the car as hard as i can in an attempt to forget about the beautiful woman i saw earlier today. I didn't mean to but i got very, very close to her. Of course she sensed something and was out that bitch faster than a horny boy jerks off. That horny boy is me. I grin like a dumbass, while standing in the middle of the street.

I stumble down the street, and up the hill in the middle of the road, hoping to get hit. Of course i knew I'd survive the hit no matter how bad, but it couldn't hurt to try. Yolo Motherfuckers. I almost trip after i begin chasing a thick chick up the hill. The hot girl isn't actually there so i was basically chasing my dreams, if you know what i mean. I stand on the side of the road in a grassy area, overlooking the sea. I would have considered it to be really pretty if i gave a shit.Running up the hill made me dizzy so i just stand there for a while.

So I'm sitting there higher than a plane enjoying myself and my free time when I hear screaming. My face scrunches up and I have to say i'm very disappointed. Prepared to kill whoever interrupted my moment i turn towards the noise. It takes my intoxicated mind a few extra seconds to realize that there's a car 20 feet in the air, upside down, and falling towards the water fast.

I glare, knowing i could save the two people screaming in a split second if i wanted to. I decide to help. Not because i'm nice or anything, but because it will only take a second and the noise can go away. The screaming is really pissing me off. I snap my fingers and the screaming is gone. I hear the car splash into the water a few seconds later.

Problem Solved.

Authors note

Yes i know it took about 4 mins to read this. Just a quckie with background info lol

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