Chapter 9- stolen

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Most likely imma die with my finger on the trigger- YG

How long has it been since i updated? Like 3 months? 😭😭 Here ya go, loves.❤ Probably gonna edit some more. It needs to be longer and I feel like some things need to be cleared up in this chapter.


Of course I know where Rochelle is. I'm just going to let her run around for a while thinking she can escape. True to my word if she can actually manage to get past me I'll let her go.

I follow behind her soundlessly. She's heading for the city, which is about 10 miles away. I make sure to start in the very middle of the forest, which means it'll be easy for her to get lost.

Every once in a while she stops, turn on the flashlight, turn it back off and keep going. I scoff. As if that'll stop me from seeing her. I'm bored. I only feel any kind of happiness when she trips and falls twice.

She wanders in circles for an hour and a half before she sits on a broken log and puts her head in her hands. I standin the dark for 5 minutes, just watching her before she gets back up. I admire the fact that she doesn't give up no matter how exhausted she is. Even though she keeps pushing on, trying to escape the forest she's barely watching her back. She would glance around a few times but that's it. She's making this painfully easy.

I really don't want to kill her, but if she doesn't get her shit together I won't hesitate to end her life. Ten miles can not be that damn hard.

Twenty minutes later I'm still following her. By now she is going in circles. I walk up behind her, emerging from the trees and she swings on me. I dodge and chuckle.

"You really thought it was smart to sneak up on me!?" she yells.

I smirk, even though she can't see it. "Did you really think I wouldn't find you?"

"Yes. Because you're cheating. You have to wait for me to hide" she comments.

"This is my damn game, I ain't gotta do shit. It's been a damn hour. A nigga tired of followin yo ass."

".. How is that fair? You really want me to die?" She asks. "Doesn't matter what I want." I grin and push her. "Why do you that?" I scratch my head. "Do what?" 

"You show your true goofy self but then you go back to being an asshole. Not to mention you're trying to kill me for no damn reason" she says, touching my arm.

"Don't touch me." I say. "But you can put your hands on me?"she asks, sarcastically. " So you want to touch me? All you had to do is ask" I say. She doesn't answer. "Anyways, Im giving you 15 minutes. I won't follow you this time. Don't fuck it up for yourself."

I start to walk away and then I turn back towards her. "Also a word of advice. I can sense you from miles away. You should take care of that." And with those last words, I head off to burger king. Not to eat (can't do that shit anymore) but to watch some more stupid humans.



I'm not sure what he meant by being able to sense me for miles away. Is he a fucking dog or something? Probably. That explains why he never stops growling and trying to bite my face off.

The first thing I do is cover my skin in mud and some minty leaves I find while wondering through the dark. I don't know if this is what he meant for me to do but clearly he's crazy. I'm not taking any chances. I sprain my foot through my fifteen minute hike but I eventually end up hearing signs of civilization.

A minute or two later I walk into what looks like an abandoned camp site. There's an uneaten chicken leg on the ground, in a basket around a fire, and three family sized tents sit about 8 feet away from the fire.

The first thing I do is check for any signs of danger. I don't sense or see any so I go into a tent, after putting the fire out and turning off my flashlight. Not exactly the best hiding spot but literally the only one out here. The bushes are too small to actually hide behind and the trails are wide. The thick forest is overwhelming but no so much that I wouldn't be able to see someone crouching from twenty feet away. 

Ten minutes later I hear shuffling outside and the tent I'm in is snatched open.

"Yo, who the fuck are you!" The person doesn't give me a chance to respond as they snatch me out the tent by my hair. 

A good looking blonde man with many tattoos is the one that grabbed me. He looks to be about my age. I look around. Three other people are standing in front of me. A man who resembles lil bibby and another who resembles justin beiber. They look to be in their early twenties. An older woman that looks like something out of a magazine is with them. They all have machetes in there hands and hunting backpacks on.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb yall" I say, politely, even though I feel like my hair is being ripped out.

"Don't fucking lie to us, bitch! What were you looking for! How'd you find us" He sends me to my knees with a punch in the stomach.

"I'm not lying! I don't know what you're talking about!" I raise my voice, getting angry. " The man that looks like lil bibby slaps me in my face. "Don't raise yo voice at my homie, bitch."

The woman speaks up. "Stop being childish, we don't have time for this. We should be asking ourselves why does she smell like them" The man who looks like justin beiber steps forwards and strokes my cheek. " I don't know but she looks good enough to eat". He says licking his lips,with a mischievous sparkle in his eyes.

"Yea whatever, Riker, you can have your way with her when we get back home. She's coming with us." I start screaming. The man holding me put his hand over my mouth and I bite it. I scream Pierce's  name hysterically. For some reason I feel way safer with Pierce than I do with these people. Atleast I know where I am right now and have a chance to get back home. They can't take me with them. 

"Shut the hell up, you hurtin my damn ears" The man they call Riker yells at me. I see his fist come from the left side of me and everything goes black... again.

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