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Far along the oceans, there was a secluded island where people responsible for the Serpentine War lived. They were banned from entering the peaceful land of Ninjago, living on their lives to make use of their surroundings. On the island stood a temple. Wavering in the red and hints of purple here and there. Men who wore large snake skulls on their heads and red suits made of scales for their armor. Markings smeared on their faces and dull eyes that left that they were owned.

Inside the empire stood three figures. Two making some sort of deal.

A man in his late thirties sloth in a oversized throne, lacing with gold and purple. He was husky, having a round face with dull red hair and sideburns. Hair surrounded his body, seeing the long strings escape his shirt on his chest and covering his rather large hands. "Alright," he spoke aloud to the woman in front of him. "let me rephrase the deal..."

A woman stood in front of him, crossing her arms impatiently. Rosey cheeks and pink lips seem to be the most noticeable features on her face, having short bouncy curls covering her shoulders. Her hair look of copper, shining through the room. She was short, but looks of a fighter.

"If we were to be wedded, the only purpose of it would for you to let me use you for your powers, and for you to have my riches."

"Sounds like a good deal." The woman look around, bored and spot the details of his decorations. The man stood up, straightening his back. "So deal?" Chen reached his hand out, waiting for the her decision. The woman smirked, reaching her hand out. "Uh- Master Chen!" The older man draw his hand back. "What?" The woman groan in annoyance, rolling her eyes.

A younger man looking in his late twenties look at Chen with worry, questioning the two's decision. His face was slender, having his green eyes being his only best feature. He was just as small as the woman, but being much skinnier than the two. He had long black, silky hair, placed in a ponytail with a barely grown mustache. "Master Chen, are you sure this is a good idea?" Chen rose his brow. "Are you saying it's not?" A hint of anger rose in his voice. "Master, think about what you are doing. You are gonna marry yourself to a woman you barely met-"

"Clouse, does it look like we actually want to be a couple?" Clouse took a step back, realizing Chen is not changing his decision. "Yes, Master Chen."

"Well," the two men face towards the girl, who still held her hand out. "deal and have my powers for your advantage? Or, no deal and still be useless?" Clouse scuffed at the woman. Chen reach his hand out once more and finally shook her hand with no interruptions. "Deal."

Outside, the rain started upon the island. Raindrops falling, with the sounds of pidder padder and the whispering of the wind to awaken the island.

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