Chapter Five: Start of the Journey... and Punching

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Chapter Five
"Start of the Journey... and Punching"

► Merii ◄

Winston was an interesting rich kid. Firstly, he didn’t have a Pokemon. I thought all rich kids would have a castle filled with different kinds of Pokemon that they bought. Secondly, he didn’t seem really afraid for Pokemon. Some of the rich kids I had seen were always screeching in fear or running away from a Magikarp. A Magikarp. That had been the longest on-the-floor-rolling-around laughing fit I had had.

“So.” I plopped down next to Winston, who was sitting in the middle of my room fingering the end of my rug. He jumped then shot me a look.

“So what?” he asked.

“So what what?”

Winston rolled his eyes, dropped the end of the rug, and stood up. “I dunno.”

I followed his example and stood as well, watching him. Winston was taller than me, being almost as tall as Russel. He had pretty blue eyes I must say, and his light straw-colored hair looked soft. I tried to touch his hair a few times, but Winston had turned around when my fingers were almost there. Now I was staring at his hair, wondering how fast I would have to jerk my fingers up, feel his hair, and act like it never happened….

“Is there something wrong, Merii?”

I shook my head and looked out the window, my hands in my pockets. “Nopes. Are you done packing yet?”

I heard Winston turn and walk down the stairs. “I’ll take that as a no, thank you very much” I muttered to myself. I watched the sun as it slowly set, making the clouds a pretty orange and pink.

“Merii~~ Meriiii~” Fletcher sang, flapping over to my shoulder. “Meriiiii~~”

“Fletcheeeerrr~ Fletcheeeeerrrrrrr~” I mimicked. The Chatot snickered.

“You’ve got a pretty voice Meriii~”

“Aw, why thank you, Fletcherrr~”

I remembered when I used to sing with Daddy. We used to go to Pallet Town, the closest town to our house, and put on a concert. Russel and Mom would play the instruments—sometimes she would bring some Pokemon from the Daycare to help out—while we sang. Daddy always told me I sounded like Altaria. Mom backed him up with facts while Russel just smiled and nodded. So I had never doubted my singing ability. Everyone in Pallet Town loved it, too.

Then Daddy disappeared. I stopped singing. A few people from Pallet tried to get me to sing for them, but I just stayed silent. It’s been five years since I last sung. It felt good to sing again, even if the only person who was listening was Fletcher.

“So what’s wrong, Fletcher?”

The Chatot’s tail flicked back in forth in rhythm. “Are we traveling K-K-Kalos with Winston?”

“I guess we are traveling K-K-Kalos with him. If we don’t, Mom’ll track me down and take Russel and you away.”

“Oh. That’s not niche.”

“It’s nice not niche, and that’s what she does.”

Fletcher shrugged and, muttering ‘nice’ over and over under his breath, shifted to my other shoulder. “Aren’t you gonna pack?”

“I already did.” I pointed to a small shoulder bag with my straw hat leaning against it. “I don’t need much, unlike those risch kids.” My lisp I’ve practiced hiding accidentally slipped through on ‘rich’. I blushed, but Fletcher didn’t mind so I continued, making sure my lisp didn’t slip through again. “I mostly lived in a forest before I came here. If I do need more, I can always trade or find it.”

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