Promise Broken, Baby born.

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               “It’s just not working out Michelle, I’m sorry.”

At that moment her world came caving in; that was the moment where everything started to go bad. She stared blankly at him, waiting for him to tell her it was all a joke. How could he? He had been her best friend for five years, two of which they professed their love for each other and took their friendship a step further. Just that month she had given him her most sacred gift to show her undying love - her virginity.

She chuckled humourlessly, “Please tell me you’re joking,” She felt tears prick at her eyes but refused to let them fall. He stared unseeingly at her, so void of emotion that it hurt her to the core. “Jared, how could you?” She whispered disbelievingly. She walked up to him and slapped him across the face, what right does he have? I gave him all of me! I did not deserve this! Her mind was a maze.

They stood in the middle of the school hall, glaring at each other. Finally, he turned and walked away.

She walked to her next class in a daze, unsure of where to go from there. She looked at her time table and to her immense displeasure; her next class was Guidance & Counselling.

She then trudged to the classroom, just in time. The teacher entered soon after, her face in a permanent scowl, as usual.

“Good morning, class,”

“Good morning Mrs. McKenzie!” The class said unanimously.

As the teacher droned on she sank lower and lower into her seat. As eleventh graders, they were currently learning about precautions to take when having sex and about the menstrual cycle. Lazily she scanned the class; it was extremely hard to concentrate when the teacher’s voice made you want to sleep. Suddenly her eyes landed on Jared, his hand slowly inching up Marissa’s skirt. The class was suddenly startled by the loud smack of the ruler on the teacher’s desk.

“Pay attention class! We will begin chapter 5 on the menstrual cycle...”

After that shock she paid keen attention to what the teacher was saying, she was discussing how if a girl misses her menstruation 2-3 weeks after sexual intercourse then there was a possibility that she might be pregnant. Michelle had not used protection the first time because Jared had convinced her he would withdraw before his climax and he had. He had said it would be more special that way, as if they were one. It was then she realized however that she had indeed missed her period.

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