Telling the 'rents

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She began to worry and as soon as the bell rang, signalling the end of the school day, Michelle rushed through the school doors. Then it hit her again like a bullet. She coerced a friend into buying her pregnancy tests at the drug store.

Michelle locked herself in the bathroom and waited anxiously for the results. Test after test showed the same tell-tale blue mark. Eventually she heard a car in the drive-way and terror coursed through her veins. I have to tell mom, but how?

“Michelle! I’m home!”

She descended the stairs and approached her mother looking glum, her head hung low.

“Oh. Hey mom. What’s up?” As if sensing her distress her mother frowned slightly.

“Michelle, may I see you in your room for a second please?” By her tone of voice Michelle knew that was a direct order and not a question.

She trudged behind her mother to her bedroom and collapsed heavily onto her bed, it felt as if she had the weight of the world on her shoulders.

Her mother sat right next to her, looking serious.

“What is wrong with you? And don’t lie to me.”

Michelle fiddled nervously with her fingers.

“Mom, me and Jared broke up...”

Her mom moved into her for a comforting hug. “Oh my, hush sweetie, you okay?”

Locked in her mother’s embrace gave Michelle the slightest bit of confidence to mumble her secret into her mother’s shoulder.

“...and I’m pregnant.”

As if hit by a bolt of lightning; her mother moved away from her swiftly, leaving her feeling cold and alone. She looked at her daughter with shocked, tear-filled eyes, filled with disappointment.

“Michelle how could you do this? You're only seventeen...You tell me everything! Wh- When did this happen?” By this Michelle’s tears were freely streaming down her face. Her mother’s voice had grown stronger with rage. “You are such a letdown,” she hissed.

“He said he loved me! This was never supposed to happen. He said everything would be alright...” Her mother got up and walked toward her, planting one firm slap to her left cheek before storming out of the bedroom, leaving a deathly silence in her trail.

Michelle curled up in the corner of her room and cried all night.

If only I had not been afraid to speak to the Guidance Counsellor.

She thought as she drifted off into sleep and into a life that would be forever changed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2012 ⏰

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