Part 4

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Leave it to the rest.


Something told her she was different. She just knew it one day.

She was to make her dreams come true. She wasn't sure how, but she was going to.

Her dreams weren't like other girls, girls who wanted to sing or become famous.

She had a different dream. One that you'd hear about in a story book.

But maybe not, considering it was a little too...mature for a child's eyes.

If her dream was to be put into words people would look at her with confusion.

They'd tell her that it was impossible or maybe that it wasn't what normal people would do.

But what was normal to her?

She was born into the world to stick out so why act like she had to blend in?

She didn't care anymore though. She was going to chase that dream, she was going to do it.

Her life may change, but she didn't like it much anyway.

At least she knew she was doing the right thing. No matter what people said about it.

She was made to do the impossible.

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