Part 5

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Feed the machine.



The pain was something she craved yet it was horrifying at the same time.

There was nothing she could do but fall to her knees and let it sink into her. Deeper. Deeper, it went into her.

She craved it. It was like a dreadful sickness, but it was better than nothing.

She set herself up for this, she could get out of this. But she didn't want to.

She liked it.

That sick twisted feeling deep in her gut and the darkness that consumed her was like a drug to her. She couldn't get enough of it.

She'd let it feed off of her until it nearly drained her all together. But that wasn't enough for it.

It would let her regain herself just enough to be able to take her over again and again.

"More." It's death-filled voice would linger in her mind sending shivers along her skin.

On with her life it went stealing, fighting, and shredding to pieces everything she once had.

It was never good enough for her, but she soon realized after it had taken her whole, that in fact, it was good enough for her, she just didn't see it at the time.

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