Chapter 6.

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I walked into my house and saw my mom and dad sitting on the couch together. When i shut the door, both turned their heads towards me.

"Hi, honey. How was your night with Avery?" My mom asked.

"Ah, it was pretty fun." I said, throwing my stuff onto the couch.

"That's good. Well, we need to talk to you about something," she looked at my dad and back at me.

"Okay, shoot."

"Did you kind of notice similarities between you and Avery?" She asked.

"Um, yeah. Quite a bit. Why?"

"Well, i can explain why. I had identical twins. Avery was one of them. You were the other. David took Avery, and i kept you. It was like we had the same person," she patted my dad's leg.

"So, like, a parent trap situation?"

"You could say that."

I slumped back into the chair. A twin? A twin. This is weird. I knew we were alike, but i didn't know we were twins.

"Does that make you feel uncomfortable?" My dad asked.

"No, no. It's just weird. And shocking," i looked at my nails.

"Well, David is telling Avery, so we don't know the outcome of that situation."

I sighed. "Yeah. Well. I'm going upstairs. I'll see you at lunch."

I hopped out of the chair and ran up our spiral staircase. A twin. I shook my head just thinking about it. What more could come up?


As i was lying on my couch in my room, my phone suddenly began buzzing.

"Who is calling me?" I wondered to myself.

Their wasn't a number. I answered it anyway, the curiosity taking over.


"Yeah, hey. What are you doing?" I could make out the husky voice.

"Channing, please. Stop trying."

"Come on, Alli. You and your super-sexual ex are done for, so why not try with someone even more sexual?" I could hear him smirking.

"No. End of story. Please stop calling me." I clicked End, and tossed my phone.

It started buzzing again, but i ignored it. It continued to buzz.

Groaning, i grabbed it off the floor and answered. "What?"

"Can i come over?" Avery's voice caught me off guard.

"Oh. Um, yeah. Of course."

"Cool. Be there in an hour."

The line went dead, so i locked my phone and rolled on my side. Why is Channing constantly persisting on getting me? It's really starting to freak me out.

"Sissy!" Ava yelled, stomping her little feet into my room.

"Mhmm?" I threw my arms open so she could lie with me.

She climbed onto my couch. "Sissy, guy." She said, pointing to my door.

"Guy? What guy?" I felt a shiver run through my bones. Both of my parents had gone out, so i was afraid someone came in.

"Channing? I dunno," she shrugged and pouted.

I groaned and got up. I put her on my hip and carried her downstairs with me.

"Hey, hey, gorgeous," he grinned up at me.

"Two things. One, how do you know where i live? Two, why're you here?"

"Your brother, and because i wanna hang out with you."

I rolled my eyes. "Well, you cant be here. My parents are gone."

"Yeah!" Ava yelled, then pointed at him.

I grabbed her hand and held it there. "Shhh, Ava." I looked back at Channing. "You really shouldn't be here."

"Come on. Just a little bit?" He pouted.

I sighed and looked at Ava. "Go climb up to your play room boog." I set her down to let her climb the stairs.

"Sweet," Channing smiled and walked towards me.

"What do you wanna do?" I turned towards my kitchen.

"Let's go hang out in your room."

"Off limits," i stated, shaking my finger.

"No fun." He looked around, then at me. "You look pretty... attractive."

I groaned. I was wearing my short pajama shorts, my light blue t-shirt, and my hair was up.

"Shit. Let me fix myself up," i turned to run up my stairs, when he grabbed my hand. When i looked up at him he was smiling.

"No, i like it."

I looked into his eyes, which was a huge mistake. Next thing i know, we're making out in the kitchen. He lifts me up and carries me to my room.

When we got to my room he set me down and pulled away.

"Nice room," he said, looking around.

"Yeah, thanks."

He lifted my chin and looked down at me. Gosh, he was gorgeous. But dangerous. So very dangerous.

"What're you thinking about right now?" He asked me, rubbing my cheek.

"How dangerously attractive you are."

He started laughing and kissed me again, then carried me to my bed.

"Channing, i really don't wanna take it this far." I nudged at his chest.

"Why not?"

"Because, i don't even know you."

He thought about for a moment, and rolled off of me. No matter how beautiful this guy is, i cant hook up with him. He's a whore. He'll probably hook up with another chick tomorrow.

"Sorry, but i cant do that with a random guy. You're probably gonna go hook up with another girl after this," i rolled my eyes and stood up.

"Nope. I haven't done anything like that in a long time," he flopped back onto my bed.

"Oh, really?" I faked curiosity.

"Yeah. Really." He patted his chest, beckoning me over.

I hesitated but went and lied down on his chest. I looked down at him.

"Kiss me," i said.

In a split second, his lips were locked with mine. It wasn't rough, but it wasn't gentle. It was perfect.
He rolled over me, and started grinding his pelvis onto my thigh.

I couldn't fight it anymore. I let him take me. With only two words, he knew i gave him permission.

"Do it."

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