The Cute Black Cat

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Prompt #2: You are walking home from work when something hits you from behind.

Matsu: Ichimatsu Matsuno

Gender: Neutral


Being let out from work early was always a good thing in everyone else's eyes, but to (y/n), it was a little sad. They loved working part time at the bunny cafe, and although he had to leave at a certain time, they were just so cute they didn't understand why anyone would want to leave? 

The only reason why (y/n) was allowed to leave early was because they had worked overtime and had taken many of their coworker's shifts, their boss told them that they deserved a break for working so hard, but in reality they had done all of that on purpose.

It was weird to others, sure, but (y/n) didn't care, they just wanted to spend as much time with the bunnies as possible. They didn't mind the cleanup or the grooming, they adored animals all the same so it wasn't even seen as a job to them. That's why they were going to university to study to become a vet, nothing would make them happier than taking care of an adorable animal. As (y/n) walked on, they took an unusual turn down an unknown street. The sun was setting but it was still light out, so they had nothing to worry about. Normally they would go the long way, but today they wanted to try taking this shorter route they had heard about from a coworker.

As they walked on, they took notice of all the alleyways the road had, many of them with a lot of garbage bags and dumpsters neatly placed around them, leaving the streets free of litter. It wasn't anything new to (y/n), but it was surprising how much garbage was able to pile up there. The garbage truck probably arrived there later or on certain days, that would explain why it piled up one after the other as though it were the usual pattern. While being distracted by the strange, human looking garbage bags, (y/n) failed to notice what was coming right at them.

"Ow!" They squeaked, lifting a hand to rub the back of their head, they turned to see what it was that had hit them.

It looked to be an old fish bone, with little mark showing signs that it had been chewed on. "Why the-" before they could finish their sentence, the sound of something going pitter patter on the cement ground caught their attention. It was a beautiful black cat with scruffy hair and a dark pink nose. It stopped before (y/n) and lifted its head to gaze up at them though half closed eyes.

It took all of their self control to not pick up the cat and cuddle it right then and there. "Hello little one," they began in a soft tone, turning their body and kneeling down slowly. The last thing they wanted was to frighten the small cat away, they wanted to pet it first. "Is this yours?" They asked, smiling when the cat let out a soft meow in response. Lifting their hand, they waited for the cat to sniff it and recognize that they meant no harm. Once the cat seemed calm enough, (y/n) reached in and began to pet the adorable creature, chuckling to themselves when the cat began to purr.

Being so busy with the cat, (y/n) failed to notice the sound of sandals on the cement ground slowly making their way out of the alleyway and towards them. It wasn't until the sight of cheap purple sandals and a pair of feet made it into their sights that they finally noticed. 

A greeting wasn't even uttered before the person, a man in a purple hoodie, leaned down and plucked the cat right out of (y/n)'s arms. 

"Oh, is this your cat?" (Y/n) asked, smiling at the man politely. All he got in return was a blank stare, not much emotion in his eyes either as they just stood there in silence. It wasn't long before it became a little too much for (y/n) that they decided to ask again. "Is that your cat? He's very cute, I really like him-"

"He's not my cat."

The interruption was not needed, but (y/n) didn't really feel like getting angry for the rude way they were spoken to at the moment. "Uh, well, I should get going." They began, still smiling at the man, before reaching out to pet the cat one last time.

The man didn't really move away from them and just stood there in silence. His eyes watched the way (y/n) patted the cat's head intensely, almost as though there was something he wanted to say but didn't. (Y/n) had taken that opportunity to pet the cat for a little while longer, before heaving a content sigh and muttering under their breath. 

"I love cats so much." 

They wanted to stay there for a little while longer, but they needed to get home. They had a cat of their own they needed to feed, and as much as they would like to take this one home with them, they didn't have the money for it at the moment. Turning to face the man once more, they decided to ignore the blank stare, messy hair and surgical mask before speaking. "Well I have to go, it was nice meeting you." With that, they turned on their heels and walked off.

He just stood there, watching as (y/n) walked off happily while he held the cat gently in his arms. It meowed and begged for attention, purring once one of the man's hands reached up to lazily pet the cat's head, his eyes not once moving from the direction the young university student had walked off in. He wanted to talk to them, to actually make a friend who wasn't a cat, but also loved cats like he did. But all he could do was stand there quietly and watch them pat the cat. If he had a little more courage or was as sociable as Todomatsu, than maybe he would have been able to say something.

"I'm Matsuo Ichimatsu..." He muttered, but he guessed it was a little too late for introductions.


A/N: It's pretty hard writing Ichimatsu's character, but I tried and I love the outcome of this all the same. I'll try again some other time.

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