Kitty Cat Pizza Boy

708 13 4

Prompt: Write a short story involving cats and pizzas.

Matsu: Ichimatsu Matsuno

Gender: Male


​​​​​​Osomatsu let out a loud groan when the sound of the doorbell reached his ears, and he wasn't alone. Choromatsu and Todomatsu followed his lead, while Karamatsu busied himself with his reflection and Jyushimatsu was away at the park. Turning their heads, the three Matsuno brothers turned to the fourth born Matsuno brother with an annoyed expression on their faces.

Ichimatsu just ignored their looks and stood, heading towards the door to his bedroom and walking right out and heading down the stairs, trying his hardest to go slowly so as to not show how eager he really was.

"This is the tenth time already," Todomatsu grumbled, scrolling down some of the messages his female friends had sent him with a frown. "How much money does he even have? He'll get fat if this continues." His brothers all simply nodded in agreement, before going back to doing what they had been doing.

Ichimatsu had found a pizza place that so happened to make pizzas into various shapes and figures for a pretty affordable price, and his favourite pizza shape?

The Nyan-Nyan Kitty pizza special, with meat and shrimps for toppings.

As Ichimatsu made it towards the door, he stopped for a moment, dusting off and straightening his sweats and hoodie, before walking over to open the front door.

Sure Ichimatsu ordered the Nyan-Nyan Kitty pizza because it was cute, and the pizza in itself was delicious, but the main reason as to why he ordered the pizza so often was for the person delivering it.

"Ah! Good evening Matsuno san Nya!"

Ichimatsu pushed down the blush that coated his cheeks as best he could, letting out a soft grunt in greeting. Bright, cheerful [e/c] eyes met his own, as Ichimatsu took in the delivery boy's appearance as always.

Along with the pizza place's uniform with the name-tag that read [l/n], the delivery boy had cute cat ears upon his head and a tail that hung loosely from his belt. On his cheeks and nose, he had drawn on some whiskers and a cute black dot on the tip of his nose with what seemed to be black marker. Now, normally Ichimatsu wouldn't care about a delivery boy wearing cat attire, but this boy fit the costume so perfectly in his opinion.

At first Ichimatsu thought the boy was rather cute, thinking about him in the same way he'd think Jyushimatsu was cute in his dog suit.

Little brother sort of cute, if you know what I mean.

But after the fourth time of having him deliver a pizza to him, they chatted and got to know each other for a bit, well, more like he talked and Ichimatsu just grunted every now and then, and Ichimatsu ended up wanting more and more of his company.

So aside from his cheerful and friendly manner, Ichimatsu also liked the way he spoke to him, not once treating him nor looking at him as though he were the trash he knew he was. He also didn't look at Ichimatsu differently, it almost made it feel as though they could even be considered...

"It's the same price as always, nya!"

Ichimatsu swallowed audibly, before reaching into his hoodie pocket and pulling out his wallet, already having the money at the ready to pay him for a while now.

A chuckle escaped the delivery boy's lips, as he sent the raven haired male a smile. "You must really like pizza huh, Matsuno-Nyan?"


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2016 ⏰

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