Chapter 15

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Katie's POV

We stepped out into a huge cave dug out throughout many days. The stone walls were lit by torches and the cave walls themselves still contained ores and resources.

The ground was lit by lava pools and glowstone, illuminating the base that filled the cavern. The whole cavern was filled by a warm glow, almost like the one at home.

The base itself was the cave. A wooden floor filled the lower area and supported ladders hung down from the above. There were small bedrooms with a bed, chest, and redstone lamp incased in a wooden room. Bridges connected four of these small rooms which had one ladder to each of them.

The lower area contained a meeting area, kitchen, brew room, armory, and a door to an escape route, all arranged in a clutter connected by a wooden hallway lined with torches.

The meeting room held chairs around a table filled with charts, maps, and cluttered papers.

The kitchen was filled with overflowing food supplies. Cakes and pies sat on the counter while meat was stacked in the shelves and chests. Bread and cookies filled an entire chest in stacks on stacks.

The armory was as filled, and if not, filled more than the kitchen. It was lined with iron swords with all different enchantments on each. A special diamond sword was in a glass case. I read the tag:

Sharpness 3

Fire Aspect 2

Looting 1

Bane of Arthropods 1

It seemed pretty powerful, except maybe the Bane of Arthropods

Then I found the bow section.

Bows were always my weapon since I didn't have to fight directly, but I had distance. I would say that I'm pretty good, but if you're looking for a melee fighter, you better go with Brady or Kaden.

The escape route was just a tunnel next to the armory. It was a staircase that led to the surface, I assume.

The final room was the brew room, which was my favorite room. It was filled with shelves of glass bottles and water bottles, filled with water from an infinite water source in the corner. Brew stands stood along the counter filled with water bottles ready to go. There were also a few ingredients like netherwart, but nothing special, not even enough to make health potions.

Mitch had left the room to leave me in peace. While I was studying a book on speed potions, when I heard a voice.

"Hi there! I'm Preston!" :D

Herobrine's Fall. ( A Minecraft/Teamcrafted Fan-Fict)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora