Chapter 17

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Brady's POV

"Hey, I'm Nooch."

My eyes dart around the dungeon until they feel upon the boy across the rooms

"Well, my real name is Mat, that's what I was know as before the accident, but now I'm know as Nooch." I looked at him and noticed that he was practically pure robot now. The spots over his eyes where blue, but I couldn't make out much more detail than that. So I decided to go with the obvious question.

"What accident...?" I ask, hoping and praying the response wasn't that weird.

"It was a normal day in the village I lived." began Nooch, I realized the story would be interesting so I sat cross legged and leaned on my hands and looked at him. " It was a small village, it had about five family's with kids, plus a couple of roaming warriors and a brilliant doctor. I was around eight years old when my dad decided to take me hunting for the first time. We grabbed our weapons and headed out to the forest. After a while I stopped to pee behind a bush, lucking back now I probably should have asked him to wait, but I didn't. After I finished I looked around and couldn't find him. So I did what any little boy would do and sat and cried. After a while I realized I needed to do something so I went looking for him, which is when it happened. Suddenly a explosion happened to my left and I blacked out. I don't really know what happened but most guess it was most likely a charged creeper. The next thing I remember is waking up in the towns doctors house, with him leaning over me. He said some crazy things about how it worked! I had no idea what he was talking about until I realized I was wearing a helmet, I saw my hands which are covered in steel now. Long story short, part of my body was missing, he fixed a suit that would allow me to live, my dad rejected that I was his son and banished me from the village. I lived on my own for years, but a couple days ago I tried to steal food from the bacca up their caught me and put me here. So yeah. so, what's your story?"

I told him everything from the village raid all the way to me meeting Jerome and being thrown in here. I told him how Jerome plans to get me out and I told him I would try to take him with me. I was going to be here a while, he might as well be my friend.

I got to learn more about him, how to suit protected him from any poison effect, he explained that he was something called a jag, whatever that is. He actually ended up being pretty cool, but I'd take being with a wiredo in a free place than Morgan Freeman in a cell. This, will suck.

Herobrine's Fall. ( A Minecraft/Teamcrafted Fan-Fict)Where stories live. Discover now