The Other Side

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Hola once again evryone!!!

I hoped you liked the last chapter

Like i said the chapters will be short (hence the name Short Stories)

didn't know who to dedicate this to so if you want the dedication PM me xD




The Other Side

The girl stares at the reflection and the background seems to start changing. Being as interested and naïve as she is she finally works up the courage to try and go through the mirror. Slowly both the girl and her mirror image stick one foot after the other through. Once all the way through the little girl looks back at the mirror and again sees her reflection on the other side. After getting over the shock of the situation she decides to explore this new world. She finds her way out the house and is met by something most unpleasant. The world she is faced with scares her to the point where she cries.

In this new world there is no green grass, only dirt and soot in its place. All of the rides are rusted, old, broken down, and unused. The wonderful lights that used to color the sky are busted and dusted. The clowns that used to be happy and filled with joy are now walking around with either sad faces or evil smiles.

Scared out of her mind and tears streaming down her face, she runs to where she first left her family before going into the house of mirror. She drops to her knees to find three graves. The first grade reads, “Loving Mother”. The second one says, “Loving Brother” while the last one and the littlest one reads, “Loving Sister” all ending with “R.I.P”.





Oh Snap!!!

What happened to the other little girl?

Will she make it home?

Tell me what you think! :D

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Stay Awesome!!!! xD

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