[12 - Jimmy Fallon]

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"Let's please welcome, Little Mix! Or shall I say KISS!" he yelled as the girls walked out doing rocker poses making the fans scream out in happiness and laugh at them. The girls loved hearing their names being called.

Doing one more rocker pose before they hugged Jimmy and sat down on the couch. "Hey Jimmy!" they all said at the same time making him freak out.

"That was creepy!"

Everyone laughed at his reaction before they all settled back in their seats. "I am here with Little Mix in their rocker outfits! I shall be interviewing them before they perform their newest hit single 'Shoutout To My Ex!'" he shouted making everyone cheer and the girls do a little dance in their seats. "Girls, this song is personal to you. Can you tell me a little bit about it?" he asked becoming all professional.

All of them nudged Rox for her to take the reigns on it. She licked her lips before taking a shaky breath. "It is a very personal song. It's about going through a break-up and coming out the other side stronger than we were before," she explained rubbing her now sweaty palm on her thigh.

"You recently went through a tough time, and I am not going to ask about it since it is still a sore subject," he said making her breathe out a breath of relief. She doesn't think that she could keep it together if he asked about it. "What is next for you girls? World tour?" he asked doing a dance with his eyebrows.

They laughed as Mac started to speak. "We are in the process of finishing the album first. That will take a few more months before we can start planning another tour, but it is definitely in the future for us," she explained with wide smile.

"Okay, and I know I said that I wouldn't ask, but I have to know. What the is going on between you girls and the Marvel cast? Seems to have a little feud going on there," he questioned making Rox's heart speed up. At least it wasn't about her and Sebastian. It was the band and the Marvel Cast. That she can deal with.

Zoe tucked some of her hair behind her ear trying not to mess it up completely. "It is nothing really. Just some people thinking things that they shouldn't," she informed Jimmy with a sweet smile.

Jimmy laughed at that. "Okay, that isn't true. Sebastian commented on a photo say something about a war. That's not nothing," he explained with another laugh. Rox puffed out her cheeks and blew the air out. This wasn't going well at all.

"It is because of the song. They think we wrote it about Sebastian when in reality we were just combining a multitude of different break-ups that we had in the past. They think that we are trying to get back at them when in reality we're not. We are just trying to be singers and release a new album," Rox lied through her teeth. The girls wanted to laugh because they knew she was lying, but everyone else bought it.

Lexi sat up and threw an arm around Rox. "Sure we have thrown some shady comments their way, but that is all post-break-up normalisticy," she stated flailing her arms. The girls laughed and looked at their friend weirdly.

"That's not a word!"

"It's not?"


At this point, Jimmy was cracking up laughing. "Alright, that is all the time we have for the interview! When we come back they are going to be singing their single and playing a game! Stay tuned!"

Shoutout To My Ex | SEBASTIAN STAN [1] ✓Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant