The day the twins were born was the happiest most of the castle had seen Tywin Lannister in his life, discounting his wife, of course. His smile seemed to brighten the whole castle, and what a strange thing it was, to see the great Tywin Lannister smile. Has it ever happened before? Whispers flew. How is such a thing possible? He doesn't smile.

But as soon as they saw the children they understood. Beautiful, even for babies, the children were. With fair skin and golden curls. They looked so peaceful but none would doubt that they were lions. Not with the Great Lion prowling behind them, grinning unnaturally.

They were born with him holding her foot, they said. If that isn't adorable I don't know what is. Funny, that adorable should be the first word used to describe the twins. It was never used again. Beautiful, stunning perhaps, even perfect. But never adorable. For adorable is not a word to describe a lion. No, a lion is too dangerous for such words.

And dangerous the lion was, for if any man was ever to hurt them he wouldn't be a man the next day. He wouldn't even be alive. There are many things that Tywin Lannister cannot stand but foremost among them is a threat to his house. Especially if his house is composed of his beloved wife and two perfect twins.

Genevieve considered herself privileged to be chosen to take care of the twins. The pride of the Westerlands, and more importantly, the pride of Tywin Lannister was in her charge. It was a great honor, but also a great responsibility, she having only recently had her first child, Giselle, herself. But she would not let anyone down. Not just because Tywin Lannister put such horrible threats in front of her that she was nearly scared senseless, although that was certainly part of it. But no, not just that. Genevieve had fallen in love with the twins as soon as she laid eyes on them. If Tywin Lannister loved them, certainly it shouldn't be hard for anyone else. The world certainly loved his Joanna, even the King. So she pledged her heart and soul to the care taking of the beauties and she never regretted it once, even as they grew older and more, shall we say, into their own.

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