Wolf Pack (A Paul Lahote/Twilight Fanfiction)

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Outside of an old cottage house surrounded by trees only separated at the back to look at a large aqua blue lake a girl entering womanhood stands looking down at a small child with bright golden hair shinning in the sun that escapes through the trees above them. The girl entering womanhood is Aaleyah and the boy her son awaiting the new look at the house they will live in from now on.

"come on Elly, let's have a look at what its like inside" Aaleyah announces and leans down when Elijah looks up at her before holding his arms up at her

Heaving him onto her hip she smiles and kisses his cheek before walking toward the front door to the cottage. with her spare hand not holding onto Elijah she pulls out a pair of keys from her pocket and moulds it into the lock on the door. turning the key the door clicks before swinging open. Elijah squirms in her arms and whines quietly so Aaleyah pulls him of her hip and stands him on the ground.

"lets find your room" she announces and reaches down grabbing onto Elijah's hand and pulling him forward

As they walk around their new home discovering new surroundings and discovering interesting parts of it. The small cottage which they walk through is small and only contains 2 bedrooms and a study. Walking through the front immediately to the right their is a large kitchen open with a dinning table in the middle and breakfast benches which open into an average size lounge room with patio doors that open onto a decking overlooking the only place they can view the lake. Across the hall at the front is the study and next to it a separate bathroom and toilet while slightly behind it a bathroom that has a door to the side of the house viewing a clothesline. Following the hallway down the back is one bedroom with a large window seat facing the lake but is blocked by trees. Next to the bedroom is another only slightly larger with 2 windows facing out into the trees. In between the bedrooms is a small hallway with a door at the end which leads to where a small open rectangle piece of land where Aaleyah's car while park.

"mum, mum, mum" Elijah yells running out of his new room and down a hallway

"yes Elijah is something wrong" Aaleyah answers leaving the bathroom she was looking at and catching Elijah's small body as it nearly collides with her legs

"can we go to the lake....please" Elijah asks excitedly and jumps up and down in front of her

"okay only for a little while because we have got to go for a drive and get some food, I'm starving" she gives in and smiles while Elijah squeals and runs toward their new lounge room patio doors

As they journey down the steps and onto the sand surrounding the lake beside their house something moves within the bushes at the front of their new house. 3 large animals watch them with close eyes judging and scrutinizing them from a distance before barking at one another and turning away. 2 of them quickly start to run away dodging trees and disappearing from sight almost to fast for the human eye to catch. The last remaining animal watches the girl as she runs away from a little boy laughing. Seemingly entranced by the beautiful girl or women as she smiles happily he lays down getting comfortable and continuous watching.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2013 ⏰

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