part 1 ((non lemon part))

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Dedicated to PrussiaLivesOn

"Ve~ Doitsu! Can-a we go-a somewhere? I'm-a bored!"

Italy knocked on the office door of his lover, Germany. Otherwise known as Ludwig, Luddy or Doitsu. Today was a special day. No, not half price in wurst, beer, wine and pasta! Something even better! Italy and Germany's 6 month anniversary! But, instead of going out to do something nice to celebrate this fine day Germany just sat in his office reading porn. ((Nah, got you there! He was doing boring paper work!))

"Nein Italy! We can do somezing yearly, not every zix  months!"

"Ve~ please?"


Meanwhile, Prussia was in his room  ((which across from where all the commotion was taking place)) playing Overwatch ((Overwatch for life bros!)) And heard all the desperate pleads from Ita-chan. Prussia wanted Ita-chan and Germany to go out for two reasons. 1. The rest of the BTT were coming over 2. Germany need to relax and the only way he could relax is if he got laid. Prussia unlocked his door and went out into the corridor.

"Germany?! Zis is your Awesome Bruder-"

"You are not awesome!!"


Germany froze at the sudden threat. He put jeans and his tank on (( \(≧◡≦)/ )) and stormed out of his room, dragging Italy along like a puppy on a Leach ((we are saving the rest of the kinky stuff for later...)). They both hopped into Germany's car and drove off to the...STRIP CLUB! ((Got ya again, just to the pub!))

First part done hope you like it! Lemony stuff coming up soon!

Hetalia - Germany x Italy lemon fanficWhere stories live. Discover now