Bad Things... ;)

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The girls of Fifth Harmony were in their kitchen enjoying their day off. The weather outside was horrible so they decided to just hang out although the mood wasn't the lightest in the room. The breaking up rumors and the haters started to attack again because of Camila's newly realased song 'Bad Things'. The truth is that it didn't matter how hard they tried to ignore the comments it affacted the group anyways and it didn't help that non of them was willing to talk about it. Normani's and Camila's relationship just started to get back on track again and that meant Ally could open up again because she was crushed by the tension. Lauren hasn't acknowledged Camila since the Camren thing started blow up and the two best friends now were nothing else but business partners. And there was Dinah who reached the point where she had enough.

– Hey Walz! I liked your song! – she turned towards the brunette who looked like a deer in headlights.

– T-thank you? – she stuttered and tried to be invisible because everybody in the room was watching her. Well, everybody except Lauren who was too engrossed in a book.

– But I couldn't help and wonder how the hell can you come up with them lyrics? I mean... you haven't done anything bad in your life... – the Polynesian wiggled her eyebrows.

– I'm not as innocent as you think Cheechee – Camila shot her tongue out and secretly glanced towards her raven-haired band mate who was smirking but still pretending to read.

– Oh come on, you never even made out with a guy, you act like if you still think they have cooties, What can be those bad if I only knew you like? Hand touching? – Dinah teased her but the girls were already giggling.

– She's right! What happened with the Mila who didn't even dare to sing 'I like it a little rough'? – Normani spoke up and the mood elevated instantly. It was almost like in the good old days. Almost, because Lauren still haven't mood an inch, but Camila could tell she is listening.

– First of all I know boys don't have cooties and second of all... you know how it goes... Lady on the streets, crazy in the sheets – Camila winked.

– Okay, good try Mila, but you're more saint than any of us. More than Ally... – the tall blond pointed to her baking friend who tried to fake that she just got hurt.

– Lauser! Put that thing down and vote!

– That thing is called a book Dinah-Jane – Lauren replied sarcastically.

– Just vote you grumpy ass! Mani, Ally and I are saying that there is no way Mila wrote that song from experience because she is too pure – Dinah explained. Lauren finally lifted her gaze up to meet Camila's and she met with a cocky smirk which was very unusual from the brunette.

– Well, I don't see Camila doing bad things either so I'm with you guys – Lauren answered and cocked her eyebrow challengingly.

– Well, no matter what you see no matter what you do I only wanna do bad things to you – Camila shrugged and sent a kiss to everybody before leaving the kitchen with her hips swinging a little bit more sensually then necessary.

She was happy that the things finally started to getting better between the band. She hated the feeling that she is the outsider and she knew Dinah tried to involve her as much as she could but she didn't want the Polynesian to choose any sides. Normani was mad at her first but now she started to warm up and she realized why Camila had her songs outside. Ally hated the tension so she was not about to do the same as Dinah, she just stick with Mani, because some horrible people said horrible things about the younger Latina and she just couldn't handle that. Camila didn't blame either of them. Lauren on the other hand... On the public they didn't interact at all because every glance got recognized which annoyed the green-eyed girl to the end, the group thought they had a some heated, ugly argument and they were sure that the two woman was barely even speaking terms. The truth is, they were just fine well, more than fine.

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