Chapter 3-What happened after the Reunion

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Kayano's POV

I was starting to wake up once i woke up my head hurts it feels  like my head was cracked open "Uhhhh" I said while groaning "What happened" I asked my self I was looking around the room the bed was very different it once  I realized it I looked to my left I saw a balcony "This isn't my room!" I said to my self until I touched something as I looked to my right I saw Nagisa! "Ahhhhhh!!" I shouted he then woke up surprised "What, what, what?!?!?!" Nagisa said I then pushed him off the bed and he landed on his butt "Ow" he groaned "So-sorry" I said stammering "Its ok" he said and stood up "Where am I?" I asked him "Your in my apartment" he said and my head hurt again "Whats wrong?" He said with a concerned tone "What happened yesterday anyway?" I asked him "You don't remember?" He said and I nodded.

6 hours later

Nagisa's POV

"Alright everybody goodnight" I said while everyone left except for one person "Hey Kayano your so drunk go home now" I said "I can't I want to party! Woooo!!!" She said "Everyone already left" I said to her "Screw them I'm going to stay here all night!" She said the room was still messy I had to clean it. I picked up Kayano bridal-style and putted her outside the classroom she then falled asleep I then cleaned the room and arranged the seats  once I was done I closed the door and woke up Kayano "Hey wake up Kayano" I said while trying to wake her up she then woke up"Wha-what is it?" She said "Were leaving" I said to her "No I will stay!" She said I had no other choice but to take her to my apartment I grabbed her bag and carried her bridal-style, I'm surprised  she isn't heavy I carried her to the road and one car was still sitting in the parking lot I then putted her down safely and searched her bag for keys and I found it I pressed the button and it the car unlocked I carried her again and putted her at the backseat I started the engine and drove off, I arrives at my apartment I got out the car and opened the door to Kayano I then slowly picked her up bridal style once I got out the car I closed the door and Locked it "Hey Nagisa-kun" She said "What is it Kayano?" I asked her while walking to my room "When did you get a haircut?" She asked "When I was in college" I replied I then reached my apartment.

I slowly putted Kayano down and reached for my keys "Maybe I should consider buying an electric keypad lock" I said to myself I then unlocked the door and opened it I then carried Kayano inside I then shut the door using my feet and I locked it I then went to my room once I got in I slowly putted down Kayano on the bed and covered her with my blanket "Were am I going to sleep" I asked myself I then realized I had a futon on my closet, I opened my closet and grabbed my futon and placed it near the bed "Kayano, if you need anything just wake me up" I said to her "Yea,yea just let me sleep" She said and fell asleep I then turned off the light, The room was not that dark due to he moon's light coming in from the balcony I then lied down on the futon and slowly drifted to sleep. And suddenly someone was calling my name "Nagisa-kun" Kayano called my name I then woke up half asleep "What is it?" I asked her "Come up here in sleep beside me" She asked I then crawled onto the bed, I was facing the ceiling until something was on my chest I looked at my chest it was Kayano's head resting uptop my chest I was surprised and I slowly stroked her hair, it was soft and silky "Hey Nagisa-kun"

"What is it?"

"" She said to me and drifted to sleep my eyes widen and I was surprised, Well she's drunk anyway I then lightly stroked her hair and also slowly drifted to sleep...

End of Flashback

Kayano's POV

"Ehhhhh?!?!?" "Did I said that" I said to him in a surprised tone "Yep" He replied I could feel my cheeks blushing  "Ummmm Kayano" He said "Are you hungry" He asked me, well iam hungry "Yea" I replied "I'll make breakfast for you, until now rest" He said, he is so kind and caring he then left the room I then lied down "It feels like I'm forgetting something very important. I grabbed my purse at the table and searches for my phone, I then opened my phone and check if I have a schedule today and I found out I have one last taping for the movie! "Oh no!" I said and got up I was dizzy for a second but I ignored it I grabbed my purse and went out of the room "Where are you going?" Nagisa asked? "I forget I have an important schedule today I can't stay and eat breakfast, sorry Nagisa" I said and putted on my shoe "Thank you" I said and opened the door and closed it I then ran to the parking lot "This apartment is quite big" I muttered i arrived at the parking lot and grabbed my keys I pressed the button to unlock my car I got in and started the engine and drove off to my house first.

When I arrived at the house I parked the car outside I then rushed inside I grabbed a towel and went to the bathroom, I then took a bath, when I was done taking a bath i went upstair and went to my closet, I picked a yellow off shoulder dress with a black skirt and black leggings with a blue shoe, I left the house and drove off the studio. I then arrived at the studio I looked myself in the car mirror "I forgot to tie my hair" I said and hurried inside "Sorry im late!" I said the director approached me "Your 20 minutes late Akari" He said while sipping his coffee "I'm sorry" I said apologizing "By the way this is Takaki Ryoga your new assistant" He said (Okay I just came up with this name out of the blue) "Nice to meet you" He said and gave me a smile "Nice to meet you too" I replied and gave him a half-smile "Okay people let's get a move on!" The director said and went to the production studio.


"Finally! Were done with the taping!" I said to Riko "You could say that again" Riko said "Direc. I'm leaving!" I shouted to him and he didn't even response, I left the scene since we were in Kyoto I decided to walk to the train station, I felt a cold shiver ran down to my spine it feels like someone was following me so I speed up my pace I decided to go to the alleyway so I could get to a crowded area the alleyway was dark suddenly my hands were grabbed by someone and I was pinned to the wall "Akari.." The person said as I closely observed him he was familiar, it  Takaki! "What are you doing?!?!" I asked him while I trying to get free of his gap "Akari, your so beautiful in person" He said and smelled my hair "Ahhhh so fragrant" he said and he went down my neck he was kissing it "Stop!" I said and he looked at me he licked my face and he continued kissing my neck he then licked it, i can't get free of his gap he is just too strong "Someone....Help me" I said in a frightened tone I closed my eyes to hope this was just a dream and he suddenly let go of my "Kayano are you okay?!?!" A familiar voice said as I opened my eyes I saw a bluenette boy "Na-Nagisa-kun" I said in a frightened voice.

10 minutes earlier

Nagisa's POV

"Are you sure?" I asked Bitch sensei "I'm definitely sure" She said, Bitch sensei went on a job which was a track and report mission, she overheard a conversation in an abandon alleyway saying the 2 men were plotting to kidnap Kayano "I want you to keep a close eye on Kayano, Nagisa" She said "Alright" I said and got up "I'm leaving" I said and left the café i then walked to the train station until I heard someone I took a peek of who was it, It was Kayano! Without hesitation I jumped in and knocked the guy unconscious "Kayano are you okay?!?!" I asked her in a concern tone she then opened her eye "Na-Nagisa-kun" She said and hugged me, I then stroked her hair to calm her "Are you okay what happened" I asked her "He suddenly grabbed my arm and pinned me to the wall and..." She said sobbing "Its okay now, I'm here" I said to her to reassure her I was there for her I then hold her cheek and lifted her head "Let's go home" I said to her and she nodded I wipes her tears with my thumb she then let go of me and we started walking to the train station, she was awfully close to me "You can hold my hand" I said to her and she held my hand tightly, her hand was warm and soft.

We walk to the train station and purchased a ticket to Tokyo and aboard the train

30 Minutes later

We got off the train and took a cab we went to Kayano's house when we got there I was shocked! Her house was a 2 story building her house was very modern "Come on Nagisa" She said and I snapped out of it, I then went inside her house "Excuse me" I said and was left half daze wow her interior design was off the charts she has a 4 star kitchen which i can tell by just looking at it her living room is big she even has a pool, "Focus Nagisa" I said in my mind I removed my shoe and putted it aside the door I then guides Kayano to her couch she sat down and I sat down beside her "Nagisa-kun" She said with a sleepy tone "Arigato..." She said and fell asleep I then pitted her head on my shoulder for it to rest "Don't worry Kayano I'll protect you" I said, I reassure you Kayano I will protect you.....


Hey guys thank you for reading chapter 3 hope you liked it!!! I will update Chapter 4 of this story soon

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