Chapter 9-Rescue

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Nagisa's POV

I dragged the unconscious bodies into to last stall of the bathroom, I then putted on the ski mask.

I exited the bathroom and cocked the rifle I then went to my left and saw 2 guys standing with their backs behind, I stealthily went to them and knocked the guy on the left hitting his neck with the hilt of the gun, I then hit the temple of the guy remaining causing him to stagger and I kneed him hard in the gut rendering him unconscious, I saw a knife strapped to the guys leg I then got the knife and putted it in my back I then saw a door.

I opened it and saw 6 more guys patrolling the area, All heavily armed 'Dammit, If I get caught they won't hesitate to shoot me' I then regain my composure and walked normally 'I hope I don't get cau-' "Hey you!" A man shouted his voice was deep and rough 'Crap!' "Hey where are Shizu and that foreign kid Alaster" the man said approaching me, I then turned around and faced him "Hey I don't remember seeing someone as short as you" The man said suspiciously, I sweat dropped and cleared my throat "I don't know, Can't you try and use your radio" I said and tried to make my voice as rough as possible.

"Good idea!" He said and grabbed his radio, he turned it on and a static could be heard "Hey Shizu where the hell are?!?!" The man said and I sneaked away from him.

"BOSS! THAT GUY IS WITH THE POLICE!!!" A man shouted and it was the one that I knocked out in the bathroom, Dammit I'm getting rusty "What?!?! Shoot him!!!" The man said and I ran to a crate took cover I took of my ski mask since it was useless to hide my identity, Bullets where ricocheting everywhere I readied my gun and waited for the right opportunity and I heard a click.

I stood up and shot the man who talked to me hitting him in the chest '1 down' I then saw someone grabbing his pistol and I duck down and he fired, I decided to move to another position the crate was already filled with holes from the bullets and it looked like it was going to giveaway any second, I grabbed my pistol and pulled the hammer down I then got up and ran to the other side and randomly shot my gun at any guys, I then did slide down and took cover from a wall.

"Where the heck are the police!" I said to myself and grabbed my rifle and started firing back at the terrorist, Until I ran out of bullets I don't have any mags, I only have my pistol so I grabbed it and checked the ammo "3 left, better make it count" I then grabbed my knife and steadied my breathing, I then dashed to them and one guy started shooting at me, I dodged them by sidestepping and once I got close I jumped over him and landed behind him I then stabbed my knife in his leg and used him to cover me from the bullets that was being fired at the remaining terrorist that I was facing 'This damn group doesn't even care if they kill their own comrade' I then pulled my knife out and shot at a guy and hit his lungs '2 down,2 left' I then started shooting at the other guy but he was able to doge them by sidestepping, I accidentally ran out of bullets so I had no other choice I have to use my knife, I throw my gun at him but he ducked down, He started shooting at me so I used my knife to block the bullets.

Shizu's POV (His a bad guy BTW)

I watched as this guy killed all of my partners and he was using his knife to block Keiko's bullet, I was shaking, My heart's beat was getting faster and faster, The blue haired guy haired guy knocked off Keiko's gun by kicking it and he elbowed the pit of his stomach and Keiko seemed to be out of breath, He then did an uppercut rendering him unconscious.

I was absolutely scared, This guy is a m-monster! "AGHHH!!!" I started shooting at him but he instantly disappeared like a mirage, I stepped back but something sharp was at my neck, I looked down and saw a knife I knew he was at my back "W-What a-are y-you!?!?!" I could feel his breath in my neck, It sends a shiver down my spine "Your worst nightmare" He said this and the next thing I knew everything was black.

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