Ch 3: UNO

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I reached over for my alarm clock & hit snooze as I lied there for another 5 minutes. The alarmed sounded again & I realized it was Monday. It was my first day of college at The University of New Orleans also known as UNO. (picture to right)

I got out of my bed headed for the bathroom. I took a shower & brushed my teeth in the shower as well. I grabbed my makeup bag and sat it on my bed as I looked for something in my closet to wear. I put on a pair of high waist shorts with rips in them and I black crop top that said OBEY in yellow letters. I threw my hair up in a cute messy bun as I did my makeup, natural look, light makeup. I let my hair down as my curls fell past my shoulders. I reached for my black high top studded Chuck Taylors and put them on. I grabbed my bag with all the stuff I thought I'd need on my first day. I ran downstairs and my mom had cooked breakfast. I was scared to be late so I couldn't sit & eat with her.

"Aliyah you need to eat, it's your big day."

My mother still act as though I'm still in middle school or something sometimes, I hated that.

"I can't mom, you know I have to figure out the route & how long it'll take to get there."

"Alright well at least take a piece of toast or something with you."

I grabbed a piece of toast for now & an orange for later and threw it in my bag.

"Okay mom, I'm gone! I'll see you later!" I kissed my mom on the cheek and walked out the door to face the New Orleans sunshine. It was hot as hell! Glad I chose shorts at this point. I headed on my journey to the college. I decided to walk to school because it saved gas and it was right up the street from me. Plus I didn't have a car and my mother had work to go to. So walking it was OR hitching a ride from a stranger and I'd choose walking any day especially since I don't know these streets.

I was daydreaming so much I didn't even realize how quick I arrived at the school. It was so big, and beautiful.. I was just hoping I didn't get lost on campus. I headed to my first class, it took me a good 15 minutes to even find the right building. I eventually found the class and I walked inside about ten minutes late. The professor had already started talking about the syllabus for the class and coincidently about how being tardy wasn't an option. I walked to an empty desk in the back with a fast pace, embarrassed. The classroom looked a lot like a high school class room. There was only about 20 kids in the class, and one in particular had been eyeing me every since I walked in the class. Maybe he was just looking because I was late, like how everyone else was. But this was different. Everyone else had given their attention back to the instructor but this one person kept glancing at me. He was sitting right beside me.. oh why did I choose this seat next to this creep? I focused my attention back on the instructor. He talked about how the class was weighted on the grading scale, how often we had test and what not... I didn't feel the set of eyes on me anymore after about ten minutes had passed. The instructor asked the class if we had any questions. Of course its the first day so nobody would single themselves out and draw attention even if they did have a question.

I was proved wrong.

"If we're absent but have an excuse will it still count against us?" The voice came from next to me. It was the guy who had a staring problem. I looked over at him as he was speaking, I hadn't really given him a thorough look before. He was cute, really cute. His face was angelic.. He was milk chocolate and indescribable really.

"No, it won't count against you as long as it's a legit excuse like a doctor's note.. and not a fake one either. That goes for the ones who think they can pull a fast one on me. I'm old but I'm not that old."

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