The Infant She

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"A Wee Bit Of Heaven Drifted Down From Above , A Handful Of Happiness , A Heart Full Of Love"

Before Knowing Much More About That Little Mysterious Girl , It's Must To Know About Her Infant Phase Of Hers That Somehow Made Her Quite Enchanting  With Each Passing Year , And Finally Helped Her To Grow Up Into An Adorable Girl.

So It All Starts From That Time When Most Amazing And Loving Couple Ever Known Got A Gift From This Universe , Yes! They Received A Blessing : Baby Daughter , In Their Life.

Undoubtedly , They Being The Purest Souls And Also The Divine Creatures , Full Of Abundant Love And Overflowing Moral Values And Ethics , Relinquished All Their Divine Traits In Their New Born Baby That Made Her Unique Than Rest In Her later life.

Titled As "Best Parents Ever" Showered Her With All The Love She Ever Needed And Provided Her All The Things She Ever Wished For.
Lucky She ! Got Them As Her Parents Who Did Everything, Who Almost Sacrificed Their Happiness And Their Own Needs To Make Their Daughter Happy .

Doll Was Not Deprived Of Anything She Ever Wanted By Her Hero Father, Who Upskilled Her To Be Courageous By Always Standing By Her Side And Not Giving Anyone A Chance To Harm Her Princess , Being Her Knight Protecting His Baby  From The Cruelity Of The Devils Surrounding Her Wanting To Harm Her And Loved Her More Than Anything Else And Had A Great Role In Later Life In Raising A Strong-Headed Brave  Queen , By Enlightening Her To Walk With Pride Forever , Not Allowing Anyone To Tell Her That She's Worthless, And Also Taught To Go Through The Hell Of Life With That One One Smile Just Like The Heroine Of Her Life.

Mother Took Care Of Her Angel In A Best Possible Way, Enlightened Her Real Self As She Grew up By Loving Her Unconditionally And Lavishing Her With All The Things She Desired , Putting Her Needs First ! That's What Motherhood is all about !

"Best Mother" Taught That Infant Child How To Love , How To Be Serene , And Most Importantly How To Be True And Real Forever .
She Filled Baby Child With All The Best Traits, Letting Her differentiate Between Evil and Good since Childhood And With Power Of Love , Making Her Realise The Worth Of Love, Further Pushing Her Forward  To Spread Love Among Others , Love That Always Resided Within Her , Within Her Royal Heart.

Unconditional Love , Tenderness Towards This World , Kindness , Innocence, Politeness , Feminity , Beauty - That's What That Infant Got From That Beautiful Lady ,from Her Kind Mother Through Heredity,
While Hard work, Enthusiasm, Courage, Braveness , Royality - All These Powerful , A Little Bit Masculine Strong Traits Full Of Strength She Received Through Her Paternal Genes .

Gratitude To Such Parents , Who Raised Her Like Princess Being Her King And Queen And Made Her Realise To Know Her Worth!
Undoubtedly ;
Dazzling Charm , Abundant Love, Mystical Divinity , Tenderness, Heart-Throbbing Kindness , Heroism And Royality is In her Genes, In Her Blood!

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