» t w e n t y - f i v e

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When all else fails, she thinks of him. She thinks of his eyes and how it made her feel as if nothing else mattered. As if he only saw her. She thinks of his smile and how it filled her with so much joy seeing something so beautiful. She thinks about how much they could have been.
She thinks of winter and his scarf around her. His smell lingering in the air. He arms around her. His love around her.
The sadness set in deeper than a drug and poisoned her veins.
She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, tears running down her face.
I miss you My Love, she whispers to the stars, thinking maybe, somewhere he would hear her.
But if he did, would it change anything? Would he feel anything? Or would he still think of whoever he was making empty promises to now?
She didn't know. She couldn't know. But somewhere in her heart she felt like if he heard her, something would click. Something would sting, and something would make him think of her...

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