Quote 21: Miss These Things

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I miss these things:

-Waking up at 8:00am and running outside to play with my friends
-Not caring what I looked like
-Not worrying if he/she would like me
-Getting dirty and coming home and taking a bubble bath
-When there wasn't such a thing as a rumor
-When we didn't spend 5 hours a day on social media
-When our parents would plan who we hung out with
-When getting in trouble at school was only because you wouldn't share your crayons
-When your only phone number, was your home number
-When the only reason girls cried was when they got hurt or if someone died
-Holding your moms hand in the store
-When the only music you listened to was disney
-When we did whatever we wanted without being judged
-When we didn't text all day

Comment if you miss these things.

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