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My heart hammered almost painfully in my chest as I stared at the unnatural golden eyes which stared right back at me with a cold, almost menacing look. The man in front of me was undoubtedly attractive but the expression of disgust on his face, which I assumed was for me, was not. His blonde hair were gelled back and he wore a ridiculous white suit which made me want to throw a jar of paint on him or perhaps use him as a canvas. It was too white, almost shining in the partial darkness of that corner.

"Raphael", I turned around to Austin who seemed to be talking to the man." Perhaps we should take her to a more secluded place. There are too many humans around here."

The fact that he referred to human as if he was not one quickly slipped my mind as it focused on the phrase, 'take her somewhere secluded'.

That is when I started running. But I had barely taken three steps when I felt a blow on my stomach and the air rushed out of me making me fall painfully on my side. I felt like someone was choking me and black dots started swimming across my vision. I wildly swung my hands around trying to stop the person only to be met by empty air.

"Raphael, leave her. Don't waste your energy on the filthy half blood. Besides, we need her. Recall the prophecy."

Abruptly I was released. I greedily took in as much air as possible. I was distorted and weak and had never felt so defenseless in my life.

I looked up to see Raphael standing in front of me as he stared down at me with open disgust. Somehow, I knew that he was responsible for my pain. Behind him, Austin stared at me with a cold expression.

" Austin, help". I choked out. After all he was in my class. He would help me.

For a minute his eyes softened, and I almost breathed a sigh of relief thinking that I would finally be saved but then they turned hard again.

"Firstly, my name is not Austin, It's Uriel. And secondly," he turned to Raphael, "Let's not waste time, shall we?"

" You are right", was all the warning I got as Raphael seized my wrist and the world came crashing down on me. Like literally.

It seemed that all the matter around me scooped up in a big box, and it was pushed on top of me. It seemed that every part of my body screamed in pain as an infinite amount of pressure was applied on me. The pain was like I had never experienced before. And then the pressure stopped. But the pain didn't.

A part of my brain noticed that the grass under me had changed to a cool plain surface. But the rest of part could do nothing but focus on the intense pain. I could faintly hear someone screaming. I curled myself on the floor and realised that I was screaming. It was almost as if my scull had been on the edge of crushing and a warm liquid edged down my nose. Blood.

I could feel myself loosing consciousness. Perhaps it
was better this way. I couldn't even think of bearing this pain more than a second now. I had stopped screaming and now I was just lying on the ground. Black spots danced on my vision as I waited for death or unconsciousness to come. The pain was becoming fainter but the aftermath which my body suffered was great.

Now someone else was screaming. Warm hands rested on my stomach and a faint vibration started there. But I could do nothing but stare on the white ceiling. My body started relaxing and becoming numb. Slowly I was getting my senses back. I was reviving. I was better, much better. My vision started clearing and I focused on the beautiful face looming on top of me. Emerald green eyes. Wine red hair. Ethereal beauty. I knew that face. I knew those features. The same features that I see when I look in front of the mirror. The same features that I saw seven years ago when that man left me. My father. My father was here.

"Dad", I said weakly. I could barely recognise my voice. I could sense that someone else was kneeling beside him. But I could not focus on anything but on him.

The concern look that the face held quickly changed into a warm encouraging smile.

" Yes angel", was all I heard in that deep familiar voice before I lost unconsciousness.

But this time, from shock.

I woke up on a to the sound of someone murmuring.

"I am sorry. I am so sorry Scarlett.  I didn't want to leave you both. I was forced to. But moreover I am sorry for dragging you into this mess. You have a long and hard road to travel from here, my child."

I opened my eyes to see the man who had been missing on my life for the past seven years. Dad was bent over his seat on the the bedside, trapping my hands in his unnaturally warm ones. He was tracing a pattern with his fingers on my palm and unaware of me, he continued his ramble.

" Perhaps I have not been an ideal father. But I love you as much as any father loves his daughter, and more."

He looked at me, and I was startled by his unwavering gaze. He had been aware of me all along. He emerald green eyes caught light in a intriguing manner and I was reminded of the days he used to gaze at me in a protective and affectionate manner from the park bench as I hopped around from swing to swing. He was the same. He had not aged a single day.

"Would you forgive me, Scarlett? "

All that came out of my mouth
was a wince worthy croak.

" Oops ! Perhaps you need water", he smiled at me and reached for a glass of water from the bedside table.

I drank so fast that I was pretty sure that I would start choking on water. Thankfully, I didn't. 

The past events came rushing back into my mind like a strong tide and my body almost protested in pain just from the recall of that incident.

I had a million questions and a billion accusations. But what came out of my mind was stupid. Even by my standard.

" I am starving..... And what shit did just happen ?"

You guys don't have to wait long for things to start clearing up. The next chapter will answer 'what shit did just happen' as Scarlett quotes it.

Thanks for reading !




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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2017 ⏰

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