Chapter 2

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The next day after  the guys explain to everyone what happened  at the park, the hole group decides to go back to look for the mysterious girl. They head over to the park in the morning were the girl was, when they arrived at the park they heard voices.

? ? ? -  " Are you sure this is were you dropped it  Aira-chan?"

Aira - " Yes, I was right here underneath this tree, it should be around here."

? ? ?- " Hey Aira you shouldn't have ran away from those guys I mean were they that scary?"

? ? ? - " Stop teasing her Emmaly it wasn't her fault that they scared her."

The idols quietly walked over to the voices and hides in the bushes. There was standing around a tree are four girls Aoi, Koi, You and Rui recognized the girl from yesterday.

 " That is the girl from yesterday the one with the pretty voice we told you guys about" says Koi pointing to the girl with the purple hair.

Kakeru- "Kawaii . . . ."

"Aren't we suppose to go say thank you  and give her sketchbook back, why are we hiding in the first place?"asks Haru while pushing up his glasses.

 ? ? ? - "Who's sketchbook?"

Koi- "It belongs to the girl over there who drop it yesterday . . .  I thought we just  told you about it Haru-kun?"

Haru- "That wasn't me Koi."

They hear giggling behind them, they slowly turned around. Standing there was one of the figures that was with the girl. She was about average height with medium strait dark brown hair which is pulled into a ponytail, grey eyes and freckles across her small nose. She is wearing shorts, a blue t-shirt , a swimmers jacket and sneakers. Kai stumbles a little bit with his footing his mind flashes back to a memory for a spilt second and he quickly regains himself.

"Kai? . . . . Daijobudesuka?" Rui asks with a worried expression.

Kai- "Huh . . . Oh hai I am fine no need to worry Rui."

? ? ?- " Anyway I know who's  sketchbook  that belongs to if you want I can introduce you to her."

Before the boys could say or do anything they hear a voice in the distance.

 ? ? ? - "Hey Emmaly where are you, did you find it?"

Emmaly glances over at the idols and smiles at them and turns towards the voice.

Emmaly- "I found something can you guys come over here for a second!"

They hear a footsteps and three figures come into view towards them. 

Emmaly points towards the girls "This are my friends the girl with the blonde hair is Kim, the girl with the glasses is Sofia and you already know Aira  . . . oh I am Emmaly by the way " she says and smiles.

Sofia- "Emmaly why did you bring us here do you know this people?"

Emmaly - "I do not know them but they have something to give to Aira right guys!?"

Rui nods and smiles softly, he walks forwards towards Aira and pulls out the sketchbook and hands it to her. " You drop these yesterday after you ran away from us  . . . . also arigato for finding Kuroda I am sorry if he caused you any terrible."

Aira's eyes opened wide and she starts to smile, " Arigato!" she says and takes the book from his hands in a instant her eyes go big and her cheeks turns pink, she slowly starts  backing away from him and looks down at her feet. 

 "Gomen . . . Aira is very shy, she doesn't talk very much to people she doesn't know very well and thank you very much for bringing back her sketchbook, also Aira loves animals so your rabbit friends was in good hands," Sofia says and bows. 

Sofia is average height as well with long black hair and dark blue eyes, she is wearing  glasses, a long sleeve blouse with a high waisted black skirt and flats, very graceful and elegant.

Shun- "The pleasures ours dear fairy's if your charming friend would have not run into our  mischievous pet we would have no clue what to do."

 Sofia smiles sweetly at them, they here a beeping sound and Kim pulls out her phone,  "We should get going soon I have practice that starts in 30 minutes" she says putting her phone in her pocket. 

Kim was the tallest one of the girls with short churlish blonde  hair and  jade green eyes, she is wearing a green crop top, baggy pants, sneakers and raped around her waist is a tied jacket.

They started walking towards the exit when  Hajime walks over to Sofia and hands her something.

Hajime- " We really do appreciate finding Kuroda here are tickets to  a popular idol concert, I hope that we see you girls there."

The four girls look at each other before Sofia speaks out " Thank you for the kind offer but non of us know the  those two groups at all."

The idols look at them with wide eyes "You guys seriously don't know about us . . . I mean them?" asks Koi looking  shock and disappointed.

Emmaly- "Yea, gomen we aren't really big fans of idols also we are so busy that we don't have time to know whats popular now."

Aira tugs on Sofia's sleeve "We are going to be late," she whispers.

Sofia- "Oh right, well thank you again it was nice to meet you all."

 Sofia bows once more, Kim does a short node, Aira waves and Emmaly smiles while waving frankly. They started to walk away leaving the idols dead in there spot with a lost for words.

So what do you guys think? Thank you so much for the support and likes from the bottom of my heart. I may not be able to post a lot because of finals coming up for me. Please continue to support and comment!

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