Chapter 3

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The night had been a blur, and now it was the next morning. Jennifer lounged on her sofa, phone in hand as she scrolled through her Instagram feed. She always enjoyed scrolling through the #onceuponatime tag to go and see what her fans have been chatting, and posting about. The first thing that had caught her attention was a photoshopped tweet from Colin.

Look at my beautiful wife, it read, and attached to it was a picture. It was herself, wearing a white gown, and flashing a smile towards the camera. As much as Jennifer wanted to hate the Colifer shippers for making it, she had to admit that she secretly wanted it to be true. She wished secretly that she could love and hold him, through sickness and through health.

She kept scrolling through the tag, and more Colifer posts appeared, and each and everyone broke her heart a little more. She wanted to screenshot every single one, but refrained from doing so. Colin went through her phone often so she knew that wouldn't be a good. None of her fans had any idea that she wanted to be with Colin, and she had a little voice in the back of her head telling her that if her fans wanted them to be together, it wasn't wrong to want the same. Right? But still, she was close friends with Helen. She couldn't bare the thought of hurting her in that way. Jennifer has tried to steer clear of Colifer for that reason- so she wouldn't want to be with him anymore then she already does. And if Colin were to ever ask her about this, what she thought on this whole situation, she wouldn't be able to lie.

"Whatcha' looking at?" Jennifer had jumped at the sound of Ginny's voice, and before she could turn around Ginny had snatched the phone out of her hands.

"Ginny, what the heck!? Give me my phone back!" Jennifer yelled, and swiped her phone away, but it was too late. Ginny had already seen it, and now a disgusted look spread on her face.

"You made that?" Ginny asked, the horror evident in her voice. Jennifer frantically shook her head 'no'.

"Gosh Ginny, why would you think that? It was in my feed, alright?"

"Who do you follow? Why would this show up?"

"My explore feed, I was looking through it, and that just happened to pop up." Ginny looked at her still with a suspicious look.

"You still shouldn't look at stuff like that." She looked at me, before sighing.

"Shouldn't look at what?" Colin's voice coming out of nowhere cause her to freeze.

"It's nothing," Jennifer replied almost immediately. She wanted to slap herself. Even a child could tell she was hiding something. Luckily, Colin only raised a brow, and Jennifer just shrugged.

"Anyways, I have come to kidnap you so that we can practice this scene," Colin joked before wrapping his arms around Jennifer's hips, and lifting her off the ground. Jennifer squealed.

"Put. Me. Down!" Jennifer smacked at him, before laughing, and Colin joined in before placing her down. The both of them had headed for rehearsal.


"Move in with me," Jennifer suddenly blurted out, looking at Colin who sat besides her on the bench. Her and was originally on Colin's shoulder, but she then moved into his neck, and began running her hands through his hair.

"What?" Colin had shock written on his face, and he raised a brow in curiosity. Jennifer started to giggle.

"Move in with me. I know that everything right now in our lives are uncertain, but then again sometimes you have to walk out the door and hope that there's not a bus." Colin weakly chuckled, "I mean, I have a closet of red jackets, but I feel like I can make some space for your leather ones." Jennifer smiled.

"Well, when you put it like that, I couldn't say no. I would love to move in with you." Colin smiled back at her, before leaning towards her slightly, putting one of his hands behind her neck, and the other on her cheek. He stroked her cheek with his thumb, before leaning in closer, connecting his lips with hers. Jennifer was beginning to get way too into the kiss, when suddenly the sound of clapping broke them apart.

"That was perfect, amazing!" The director beamed, "You two have great chemistry, making this scene just magnificent."

It took a lot of skill, and trust to make an online screen relationship, and Colin and Jennifer have always been able to pull it off, making even their fellow workers wonder if they were an item. When the both of them had first met in Season Two, they had became immediate friends. Every day Colin would go to Jennifer's trailer so they could eat lunch together, and they would always share information about each other- things they hadn't even told their closest of friends. Colin made Jennifer break out of her shell, and a better person. She wasn't as self conscious, and was much more confident. At one point they had both been shy, but around one another they get rowdy, and loud.

They helped one another in ways that no one else would understand. When Jennifer got nervous at conventions, Colin would always be by her side, and vise versa.

Jennifer and Colin practiced the scene a few more times, and when they finally mastered it Jennifer cracked a smile.

"Now, Mr. Hook, I presume we are heading onward to our wardrobes?" Colin smiled at her.

"Ah, of course. Onward, for the last one back must walk the plank!" He said, as Jennifer just pouted, crossing her arms.

"That's not fair, my makeup takes much longer than yours!" Colin just shrugged.

"Then you better hope you don't need a lot of preparation, because I am determined to win." He smirked, before walking off.

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