A tavern!!!

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     It had been a few weeks since the strange sounds in the woods and nothing much had happened other than the usual hard working days and taking care of her two younger brothers.

     You sighed and walked along the path that lead to the village. Your cottage was near the outskirts of the town for personal reasons. You trailed your hand along the bark of the trees as you passed by and veered away fro the path when you saw two of your 'friends' chatting and pointing toward the hill on the other side of the town.

     You stopped beside them and one of the girls turned to you. Her name was Bethany, she was a huge brat and you personally didn't like her but what you liked or didn't like didn't matter much anyway.

     "Oh hey (Y/N)! Jess and I were just talking about the tavern" she said in her innocent voice. You tilted your head in confusion and brushed your (H/C) hair from your face.\

     "What tavern?" you asked quizzically and looked toward the village but saw nothing out of place. Nothing Bethany was saying made any sense to you what-so-ever.

     Bethany looked at Jess, one brow raised before turning back to me "A strange tavern appeared just over that hill" she said, pointing to the hill just past the village and looked back at you "But the strange part is that the owner is like...seven years old!" she said, placing her hands on her hips.

     You nodded and swiftly put your hair up in a ponytail "I'll have to check it out later but I've gotta go...see you two soon!" you said, false joy in your voice as you turned on your heel and walked away. 


     After a hard day of work you finally decided to check out this strange tavern. You walked through the street of the village, waving to passing strangers as you went until you reached the tavern.

     You silently pushed the door open and instantly noticed the wonderful aroma of cooked food along with the comforting sounds of nonchalant chatter and laughter through-out the tavern.

     You look round for this so called seven-year-old tavern owner but the only kid you see is a blonde kid with a green, dragon detailed sword sheathed around his back. He was wearing a white and brown uniform and looked a bit older than a kid.

     You roll your eyes and stroll toward the kid with a 'smile' on your face "Hello there! I was told you were the owner of this place, is that true?" you asked skeptically.

     The 'kid' turned toward you and you were shocked to see his sparkling green eyes and bright smile. He looked so energetic that his joyfulness was nearly contagious but you ignored that.

     "Yup! I own this tavern, the name's...Milo. Nice to meet you uh" Milo trailed off and you stuck out your hand for him to shake and looked down at him "My name's (Y/N)...but you seem a bit to young to work here" you said softly.

     You watched as Milo shook your hand and stuck his hands in his pockets "Nope! I'm a lot older than you think...just don't look like it" he exclaimed as you narrowed your eyes and shrugged.

     You were about to say something else when a girl with beautiful white hair walked toward the two of you with a smile on her face. Something about her seemed familiar but you couldn't figure out what is was.

     Suddenly a loud noise sounded beside your face and you jumped with a soft yelp. You turned to see Milo with his hands near your ear "You were staring at the wall" he explained and withdrew his hands.

     You nodded and turned to the girl "Hi, I'm (Y/N)" you said and smiled a little. The girl smiled back, her deep ocean blue eyes twinkled with laughter as she nodded "I'm Elizabeth" she said in a sweet voice.


          Only moments later, a crash echoed through the entire forest and sent the ground shaking. Everyone in the tavern looked up and rushed out of the building.   

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2016 ⏰

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