Thank You?

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We all use thank you for thanking someone who helped us. But there is another way where you will not only thank that person but also pray for them.


It means May Allah reward you. But it's not complete and also it is different for Feminine, Masculine and plural form.

Feminine - Jazaki Allahu khairan.

Masculine -Jazaka Allahu khairan.

Plural -Jazakumullahu Khairan.

Just like how we reply You're welcome when someone says Thank you we also have a reply for JazakAllah. It is,

Wa Antum Fa Jazakumullahu Khairan. And it means And You too, May Allah Reward you with khair.

But you can short it,

Feminine - wa iyaki.

Masculine- Wa Iyak.

Plural- wa Iyakum.

So from now on let's use the correct words. Help everyone you know and spread the knowledge.

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