#1 - You're his personal assistant!

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Harry: You banged on the dressing room door for the third time, yelling, "Harry! They really need you on stage, what is taking your costume change so long?!" A singsongy voice answered back. "Who is iiiit?" You sighed. "[Y/N]. Your assistant for the past three years...?" "Thank god." The door shot open so fast you would have been knocked to the ground, were it not for an arm reaching out and pulling you inside the room. Harry quickly shut the door behind you and pressed you against it. You were flustered at the closeness, wondering if he was going to try and kiss you. He leaned in to whisper in your ear, "I'm having a slight wardrobe malfunction." He backed up and raised his hands, indicating the mess he'd made on his white shirt. "Harry! How do you manage to make a mess on a shirt you've been wearing for two seconds?" He grinned, well-accustomed to your reprimanding, and said, "Help me [Y/N], save me!" You moved closer and began to unbutton his shirt when Harry unexpectedly reached his arms around your waist and gave you a big hug. "Harry...?" You questioned. "[Y/N], I don't thank you enough." You smiled, answering back, "Don't worry about it, Mr. Styles. It's my job." He tried to pull away but one of his buttons became caught on your shirt. After a minute of trying to untangle your two shirts, Harry grinned cheekily and said, "Well, I suppose we have to do it the quick way!" and pulled both of your shirts off, together. You felt your whole body blush as you covered yourself and turned around. "Harry!" You gasped. You heard him laugh and say, "I'm not even sorry." You spent the rest of the evening in one of his hoodies and honestly, you weren't too sorry either.

Zayn: "Oh my god." "I know." "It... it isn't that bad!" "Don't lie to me, [Y/N], I pay you to be honest!" "You pay me for a lot more than that, Mr. Malik...but alright. It's pretty bad." Zayn let out a frustrated groan before falling onto the couch in your office. He had just come back from the hairdresser and it seems they'd made a mistake with some bleach. "What am I going to do?" He whined. "The party's in two hours, paps will be everywhere, I'll never live this down!" Soothingly, you said, "Zayn, first of all, you need to calm down. Secondly, don't forget who you are. You're a fashion icon! If you act like you think your hair looks good, then chances are other people will too!" Zayn chuckled in response. "[Y/N], your third grade logic and endless optimism is adorable, but it's not going to help me in this situation." You tried to keep from blushing from the compliment (if it could even be called that), and got up from your desk. "Let me look at it." He pushed himself into a sitting position and pouted. "Fine. But turn that mirror around, will you? I can't stand to see myself any longer." You raised your eyebrows. "Zayn Malik turning away from a mirror? I never thought I'd see the day!" He smiled, but didn't laugh, obviously still sulking. You combed your fingers through his soft hair and silently thanked that problem-solving class you took in Uni. "Alright." You said firmly. "I know what to do. It is a bit dire, though, Zayn, so please bare with me." His big brown eyes widened even further and he half-whispered, "Go on..." "We're going to have to shave the sides of your head." He immediately slapped your hands away while repeating "No!" over and over. You grabbed his shoulders and put your face in his, forcing him to look straight in your eyes. "Zayn. Who got you out of that ball pit in 2010?" "...You did..." "And who squashed those nasty rumours about you last year?" "You did." "Zayn. Do you trust me?" He smiled. "Yes ma'am." You smiled back and said, "Let's do this."

Liam: "[Y/N], can you go down to the Starbucks in the lobby and grab me some coffee? You know how I like it. I'll be in conference room five. Thanks love." Liam said all of this while rushing past with three binders in his hands. The boys had just got back from their tour a week ago, and you were worried because Liam had still not rested since. You'd been going on multiple coffee runs each day for the past week. "Sure, I just-" but he was already gone. You sighed, wishing he had time to look in your eyes like he used to. At the coffee shop, you were just walking up to the counter to pick up Liam's drink when you heard the door jingle open and a familiar deep voice say, "get one for yourself too, [Y/N]." You turned around to see the most defeated-looking Liam Payne you'd ever laid eyes on. He walked over to a booth and fell into the seat, crossing his arms over the table and laying down his head. Ordering another drink and setting Liam's on the table, you poked his shoulder and said, "Are you... awake?" He lifted his head and answered, "Barely." You sat down across from him. "What happened with your meeting? You were only in there for five minutes." Liam looked up at you, his big brown eyes welling up with tears of frustration. "I just can't function anymore, [Y/N]! I don't know what's happening to me, I can't think straight, I'm going completely out of my mind!" You smiled reassuringly and moved to the seat next to him, rubbing his back. This wasn't the first time Liam had burdened himself with too much work. "Liam, you've been working so hard. Have you even slept since the tour ended?" He leaned into your shoulder, enough for you to blush at the sudden closeness, and said, "No. Not more than a few hours." He reached for his coffee but you grabbed his hand before he could get to it. "No more caffeine. I'm bringing you home and you're going to take a nap." He smiled up at you, his eyes half closed. "I don't know what I'd do without you, really." Then, he reached up and kissed you on the cheek. You weren't sure if he'd remember it when he woke up the next morning,but you knew it was a moment you'd never forget. 

Niall: Finally, time off! you thought, sitting on your couch and enjoying your first moment of relaxation in weeks. You loved being Niall's assistant, but him leaving on tour was always a bit of a relief. No more midnight Nando's runs because Mr. Horan was too lazy to get out of bed. You were about to kick off your shoes when you heard your work phone start to ring. You knew it was Niall's number calling because he had the ringtone to be him singing Niall Niall Niall Niall Niaaaaall! It's Niall! "Hello?" You answered. "[Y/N]! Thank god you picked up!" "Niall... what's wrong? Shouldn't you be boarding a plane right now?" "Yeah, but I asked them to hold off. I have something very important with me that I was supposed to give you before I got on the plane, and I don't want to carry it with me for the entire tour. I really need you to drive over here and pick it up, around, well, now!" You jumped up and glanced at the clock, in too much of a hurry to wonder what Niall had with him that he couldn't take on a plane. In the back of your head you just assumed it was some kind of food that he had assumed would be allowed on the plane, like a bottle of Coca-Cola or Nando's takeout. "I'll be there in a flash." "Thank you so much. Gate 17. See you soon!" You sped to the airport, but navigating inside of it was a tad more difficult. You were already stressing about the fact that Niall's plane was supposed to leave ten minutes ago, but a quick glance at the arrival and departure board showed the plane's status as Delayed Takeoff. Finally, you found the right gate. Niall was waving you over while the other four lads were taking pictures with flight attendants. behind him. "[Y/N], over here! The boys are stalling but they really want the plane to take off. I'm just glad you made it." You smiled broadly at your boss and said, "Of course! What did you want to give me?" "This!" He cried and wrapped his arms around you, giving you a big bear hug. You were completely shocked at first and didn't quite understand until he explained. "I forgot to say goodbye to you, [Y/N]! You do so much for me and I didn't even say goodbye. I wouldn't have been able to carry that guilt around with me all tour!" You laughed into his neck and hugged him tighter. "Thanks, Niall. I really appreciate it." You then pulled away and smiled cheekily, hitting him on the shoulder, "But next time, don't make me speed through traffic at nine in the morning!" He chuckled, shrugging and rubbing the spot on his shoulder you hit. "I'm sorry! It was really important!" 

Louis: "That's it, Louis! I'm sorry, but that's absolutely it!" Louis looked up from his laptop, startled, as you slammed his dry cleaning onto his onto his desk. You seethed as a cheeky grin spread across his face, and you could tell he had realized what you were talking about. "This is so not funny, Louis." You stood there tapping your foot as Louis clutched his stomach, doubled over. "Louis. I quit." That caught his attention. "W-what?" He stuttered, looking up at you with wide eyes. "[Y/N], are you being serious? It was just a joke..." "You made me look like an idiot in front of everyone! I don't think I've ever been so mad at someone in my entire life! Louis, I just can't do this anymore. It was fun at first, working for you, but the constant pranks, the working overhours, the humiliation? It really just isn't worth it." For the first time in his life, Louis looked as though he'd never heard a joke in his life. Slowly and seriously, he said, "[Y/N]. Please... you've been my assistant for years. I don't even know how to function without you behind the scenes running things. I didn't know you had a problem with me, otherwise I could have toned it down. I like jokes but it isn't worth losing you. Is there nothing I can do to make you stay?" You were taken aback and took a long pause before saying, "...Yes. There is one thing." He stood up and leaned on the desk, and you almost laughed at how serious he looked. "What is it?" You stared straight at him and said, "Eat a ghost pepper." He blinked. "What?" "Eat a ghost pepper. Right now." He straightened up and raised an eyebrow. "You want me to eat a ghost pepper?" "Yes." "Right now?" "Yes." "I don't have one." "I do." You reached into your pocket and carefully pulled out the award-winning pepper, watching as Louis eyed it skeptically. He took it from you and asked, "If I eat this, you won't quit?" You nodded sternly. He contemplated the situation only for a moment before taking a huge bite out of it. You instantly doubled over laughing and Liam, Niall, Zayn and Harry all burst into the room. "He did it?" "Yeah, he's chewing it now!" "Oh god, look at his eyes water!" Louis swallowed the food in his mouth and grabbed at his tongue. "Wha? Wha's goin awn?" You grinned triumphantly and said, "Just giving you a taste of your own medecine!" Harry patted you on the back and said, "[Y/N], if Louis wasn't in so much pain right now, he'd be really proud of you."

Hope you like it! Send me suggestions if you want and point out any spelling mistake! I won't cry, or bite, I promise!

-Jamie :)

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