Day 4: The kidnapping...

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Jacks POV
This place is so big I got lost in the mirror maze and in the  "Jack in the box" challenge. The dead bodies seem so real, it's like the blood and wound are actual dead people. Something just freaks me out about the people that jump-scare us in the hallways. It's so freaking cool and amazing. The chains, knifes, and nuse's that choke the bodies are quite realistsic.
Marks POV
This place is very scary and fun, but I get a bad feeling about the bodies and all the blood. It seems so real I feel like my eyes are playing tricks on me. Me and jack were - wait ......WHERE IS JACK!? He has got to be here somewhere....The furnace! He's got to be in here!? *Wham!* *Marks gets knocked out*
??? POV
Sry Markimoo...But I have to take your place in this adventure...."Wait for me Jackaboy!" *??? Runs away*  This is my turn to be the best boyfriend Jack could ever have.


Hope you enjoy!

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⏰ Última atualização: Nov 02, 2016 ⏰

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