December 20, 2013 ~ Flaws

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A mirror is an enemy. With its reflective surface that shots back at me every single part of myself that I don’t like, every part that I wish I could change, every part that makes me completely flawed in a perfect world. Too much this, too little that, the possibilities are abounding and ever polluting my mind.

Why can’t I accept myself? Why do see only the imperfections in myself, but only the perfections in others?

As tears well up in my eyes at the sight of my totally imperfect self, I try to tell myself that what I am feeling and thinking is irrational. I know that it is—I know this without a doubt—so then why can’t I just believe it? There is something in my mind that blocks me from getting to the point where I am okay with myself. There is a wall that has been built in my mind that I have built throughout the course of many years that stops the thoughts of confidence from mingling with the thoughts of dissatisfaction with myself.

Now, all I need is something that will help me to overcome the wall. Something to help me chip away at the wall until it comes crashing down at my feet.

Maybe something like a set of good lyrics to hold me up…

“All of your flaws and all of my flaws,

When they have been exhumed

We'll see that we need them to be who we are

Without them we'd be doomed”

This simple truth is one that is so easily overlooked.

Let’s overlook it no more.

"Flaws" by Bastille

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