She mad

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(This chapter is a bit of a time skip from the last! It's the night before the day of school that UA has combat training!)

I woke up to the normal sound of my alarm clock, and waddled out of my room, towards the bar. Once I made it into the bar, I took a seat and slammed my head down on the table.
Kurogiri stared at me with a concerned look on his face.
"What's wrong (Y/N), not enough sleep?" I groaned, lifting my head up to show my dark, baggy eyes and ratty hair.

"I stayed up all night... texting Izu-kun..." I slammed my head back down on the table.
"Well, you shouldn't have done that!" Kurogiri stared down at me, obviously mad.
"Mmgjv bjgkg hmfuk!" I mumbled, head smothered in the table.

Me and Izu-kun had become quite close, hence the new nickname! We have been texting on and off, very often. I'm so glad I have a close friend here! He had talked to me a lot about this 'Bakugou' boy, and besides the cockiness and self admiration, he seemed cool. I decided I'd talk to him today, after class, and try to get him to apologize to Izu-Kun. After all, he did bully him for 5 years! ♪( 'θ`)

I eventually left the bar and got ready for school. I wore my normal uniform and left the building, beginning my walk to school. I managed to cover my dark circles with a little bit of makeup, although I hated it. I was not too fond of makeup, it seems like cheating in life.

~Short Time skip brought to you by a blonde tsundere!~

When class started, All Might burst in the door, startling half the class. People started to cheer and call his name out through the class, whereas I was seemingly the only one silent.
A grimace grew on my face as I stared at him. I can see why I was trained to hate him. He looks too flashy. Too muscular. Too... heroic.

I knew it would be simple enough just to kill him here and now. But in doing so, I'd have to kill everyone here, and we wouldn't want that.

All Might explained to us that we would be doing a combat training test today. It sounds exciting! All of the students were given their 'hero costumes' and told to meet up after changed. When we did meet up, I felt out of the ordinary. AKA, strange.

Everyone's costume was very flashy, except for mine. Izu-kun walked up to me and stared at me awkwardly.
"Th-that's your costume?" I looked down at my outfit. Black leggings and a baggy (F/C) hoodie.
"Yep! You're costume is pretty cool-!" I was cut off by a loud laughter coming from behind me.

"What the hell kinda costume is that?!" The ash blonde boy continued laughing. I turned around so quickly, I almost got whiplash, and made eye contact with those dark red eyes.
"Hm?" He glared down at me, his height very intimidating.
"Your costume looks almost as bad as your shitty face!" My eyes widened, and my face grew dark. I suddenly shouted out,
"Y'know, acting like a dick won't make yours any bigger!" Bakugou's face suddenly grew as red as a tomato, obviously embarrassed by my remark. Before the boy could open his mouth again, All Might started talking.

We were all split up into groups of two. I was paired with Izu-kun, luckily. The bad news was, our team would be going up against Bakugou's team, and Izu-kun was very anxious about it.
The game was simple, we had to deactivate a bomb that the villain team set. We are the hero team. I believe this is a very iconic situation for me. ♪( 'θ`)

Bakugou's team got to head into the building 10 minutes in advance. After waiting the 10 minutes, we were able to walk in. Neither of us really constructed a plan, but I told Izu-kun that I'd have his back no matter what.

We began exploring the building when we walked in. Our 'exploration' was cut short by a surprise attack from the one and only Katsuki Bakugou himself. He immediately aimed for Izu-kun, taking him off guard and sending an explosion towards his back.

"Izu-Kun!" He was hit before I could warn him, causing him to yelp loudly and groan in pain when he hit the hard concrete floor. Bakugou let out a sly laugh, smirking.
"I'll kick both your guys asses, all at once!"

"I thought we could be friends." I whispered under my breath.
"Huh?" The ash blonde boy glared at me with a confused expression on his face.
"I said, I thought we could be friends!" I began yelling.
"But if you want to hurt my friend..." my face darkened.

"...I'll just have to hurt you."

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