Chapter 9

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Word Count: 1,639

You signed a few contracts, knowing fully that your private life would never be private again. If you did well then you’d have fans following you everywhere you went. For now though your new life had to be a complete secret. You were practically hidden from the public eye for a few weeks, spending time in the studio practicing and learning from a vocal instructor to help with pronunciation and hitting notes properly. The process was extremely demanding, forcing you to wake up at ungodly hours, losing weight quickly and practicing to the point where all your limbs felt like jelly. You now understood how all the other idols felt and could finally sympathize with them, sometimes wishing you couldn’t. Sihyuk had found out your living conditions and found a small appartment for you, not allowing you to have contact with the boys for some time unless it was for practicing reasons. You felt upset about it considering you hadn’t seen Jungkook since you had practice with him on your first day of training which had now been three weeks ago.

You frowned slightly at yourself in your door length mirror, noticing how much weight you had lost but how much muscle you had gained. You had been (Weight) and dropped down close to 90 pounds. It was difficult, to say the least. Understatement. It had been absolute Hell. They forced you to work out almost daily on top of your dance practice and you decided to become vegetarian to help with that but rarely ate anyway. It was an awful task to take on but you chose to do it anyway.

And now it was time to see Jungkook for the first time in a few weeks. You felt somewhat ashamed of what you had become and felt like Jungkook would act rudely towards you since you had changed visually so much. You waited in the practice room, stretching, at 6 am until finally Jungkook walked through the door. You stopped in mid arm stretch and he stopped dead in his tracks, looking over your body. You could see clearly the tears that started welling up in his eyes and you felt terrible under his gaze, fearing the worst. He worked up the courage to briskly walk over to you after a minute of silence and hug you tightly, leaving you breathless for a second. “I miss you (Y/N),” he whispered. You felt your shoulder getting damp and it brought tears to your own eyes. He backed up a bit but kept his hands on your shoulders as he looked over your body again. “(Y-Y/N)... Are you eating well?” You stayed silent and looked at your shoes. “Are you taking any breaks? They’re over-working you, aren’t they?” You stayed silent again as you felt your body shake from a sob that escaped you. He grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him, and wiped your tears away with his thumb. Your (E/C) orbs searched his own puppy dog ones seeing nothing but worry and concern. “You’re taking a break today.” A stern look replaced his previous worry as he grabbed your hand and led you out of the room and then out of the building. You pulled against his grip and protested but he stayed silent as he continued leading you towards a car waiting out back in case an idol wanted to leave. You both got in and immediately he cuddled you to him. He laced his fingers with yours and you couldn’t help but smile at how it felt so right.

You finally arrived at his dorm and went straight to his bedroom with him. He threw a pair of unisex shorts at you and a slightly large shirt to you and left you to change. You grabbed a snapback of his and a pair of sunglasses and a black mask to top it off, already knowing he had plans to go out. You slipped your shoes back on and headed to the living room where he was waiting, pacing back and forth. “Jungkook,” you said softly. He looked to you and gave you a questioning look. “Why are you so angry?” He sighed and closed his eyes. “Because, they aren’t making sure you’re ok or getting enough food or sleep. I guess I can’t really say anything cuz I had other guys to make sure I was alright and you have no one. They all get on me about going to see you because I’m not supposed to but I… I just want you to be alright. You shouldn’t be hurting like this.” You gave him a weak smile and walked over to wrap your arms around his neck and his naturally went around your waist. “I’m fine, Kookie. I’m making most of the decisions so if it’s anyone’s fault then it’s mine. Please don’t be mad at me.” He sighed again and rested his chin on your shoulder, rubbing small circles on your back with his thumbs. “You need to take better care of yourself then. Please be ok.” “Then let me say the same to you too. I know it isn’t a huge deal but any time I walk past BTS when everyone’s eating you aren’t.” He stiffened slightly and the circles stopped but continued after his small hesitation. “I’m ok,” He said. “Then so am I,” you reply. He groaned and let go of you, grabbed your hand and led you out of the dorm to the waiting car. He told the driver what restaurant to go to and slowly you made your way to it.

“We’re gonna get yelled at for not being at practice.” You giggle quietly. He squeezed your hand and smiled at you. “As long as it’s for a good reason then it’s ok.” You scoffed and rolled your eyes. “You don’t have a good reason to be skipping.” He leaned on your shoulder and you put your head on his. “You’re my good reason,” he said quietly. You blushed a rosy pink and rolled your eyes again. “That’s cheesy.” He grinned at you and had a very noticeable blush plastered across his cheeks.

You finally got to the restaurant and sat down in a quite, separate room thanks to the BTS fan at the counter. Jungkook told you to buy anything you wanted and he would pay for it all. You refused his offer but he continued to tell you to not worry about the bill. “Let’s split the bill,” you said through bites of your steak. He shook his head as he continued eating. “I told you not to worry so please don’t worry about it. You need to save up for a while.” You pouted and looked down at your half eaten food. Maybe he was right. You had been barely scraping by these past weeks but you knew you still had to push yourself in training. It would be more difficult for you to gain popularity positively than negatively since you weren’t even Korean. Jungkook noticed the distraught look on your face and took your free hand in his and kissed it tenderly. You shyly looked up to see him staring back at you before gently placing your hand back down on the table and resuming eating. You blushed slightly and smiled at the small gesture to comfort you, which had succeeded.

After your quiet dinner, you both left, hand in hand until you came to the Big Hit studio. You reluctantly took your hand back and cringed at the lack of heat. But it was a good choice as Sihyuk rounded the corner with anger flaring in his eyes. “And where were the two of you?” You shrunk back a little and Jungkook placed a comforting hand in the small of your back. “Sir, she’s being over-worked. She’s unhealthy and hasn’t been eating at all to lose the weight she’s required to so I took her out to eat for a change. Someone needed to be there for her and I was and look, she’s already better after only two or three hours since she got a little rest and an actual meal in her.” Everyone went quiet until Sihyuk spoke up again. “I’m sorry Miss (L/N). I didn’t realize how your health declined. Take the next few days off to rest. As for you, Jungkook.” Sihyuk turned to your savior and kept talking. “Take the next few days off as well to keep an eye on (Y/N) here. Make sure she has enough food and rests enough. You should be eating well too. Are you?” Jungkook flushed slightly and shook his head. “Well then it seems like you need the rest too. Have a good week you two.” He walked away, leaving you alone with Jungkook. He lead you to the elevator and to the correct floor that held your separate practice rooms to get your stuff. He told you to meet him in his since he had to explain to his hyungs why he wouldn’t be present for a week.

You finished gathering stuff and was about to leave until you were pushed up against the wall and held there by a strong pair of arms on either side of your head. You looked up, hoping it wasn’t some stranger who found his way into the building to hurt someone. You blushed at the close proximity of the person’s face and turned your head away, only for him to pull your face back to his by your chin. “(Y/N)! You’re taking too long,” you heard Jungkook call from the hallway, his footsteps getting closer. You struggled to get free but the person in front of you held you tight. Just as Jungkook entered the room, Yoongi pressed his lips to yours.

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