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Harry paced the living area of the Headquarters, what he was doing, the others had they no idea, but, they knew to leave him alone by now.

Harry stopped in his tracks, his head turning towards the East side of the room, a puzzled expression on his face.

"Harry what're you-" starts Hermione, but one look from Neville stops her as Harry starts pacing again.

Ron looks pointedly at Dean Thomas, it is his turn after all, but Dean just jabs Seamus in the ribs with his elbow, that's going to leave a bruise.

"Ow! What was that for?!" Exclaims Seamus, his unmistakable, thick accent making Harry look up at the group in surprise.

"It was your turn last night and I covered for you, so, you're going to do the same for me" says Dean flatly.

"Oh alright! But no more of this nonsense!" Says Seamus, exasperated, his Irish accent shining brightly through, despite his efforts to cover it.

He gets up, hits Harry with a silent 'petrificus totalus' and drags him out of the room, whilst Luna shakes with silent laughter in the corner.

"What is it Luna?!" Asks Kingsley Shacklebolt, clearly annoyed.

"It's just......  The...... L-look..... On his...... Face!"  She manages, inbetween body-wracking waves of laughter.

"Oh my Godric Luna, I swear to eat Salazar Slytherin's toenail clippings if there's anyone on this Earth that's more annoying than you" says Blaise Zabini, also annoyed.

"Luna! You've seen Harry petrified before, so what's the issue here?!" Snaps Ron after watching Luna break down with silent laughter out of the corner of his eye for the past ten minutes.

"N-nothing!" Squeals Luna, still laughing.

"Silencio!" Shouts Ron eventually.

"Finally! Someone had the balls to do it!" Cries Blaise.

"Well if you had any courage you would have done it! Damn, cowardly Slytherin!" He practically screams at Blaise.

"Alright mate! Calm down! We're all on the same side here!" He shouts back, unable to control his volume and tone of voice.

"Y-yeah you're right. I'm sorry." Says Ron quietly. In times like these you've got to keep your friends and allies close.

After a few minutes of awkward silence Seamus Finnigan re-enters the room and flops down on the red, squashy sofa.

"Well Seamus! What's the report?" Booms Kingsley.

"He's petrified until the spell wears off. Oh! Yeah, and he's tied to his bed." Says Seamus, an amused glint in his eye.

"You what?!" Asks Pansy Parkinson.

"You heard right, he's tied to his bed"

"Why?!" She shrieks, clearly wierded out.

"Because he's an annoying git!"

Meanwhile, Harry could hear every word and his body was shaking with silent, enclosed laughter that couldn't escape his lips in his petrified state.

"Enough!" Bellows Shacklebolt, he could expect this joking manner from Theodore Nott, but, never, in a million years, had he expected it from Seamus.

"Seamus, go and untie Harry. I'm sure he's learned his lesson. But-" He adds, dropping his voice "-disarm him and place locking charms on his door." He says calmly.

"Yes sir!" Seamus all but shouts and makes his way to the other side of the room to Harry's bedroom door.

"Well-" says George awkwardly.
"Yeah-" adds Ron.
"Um" Hermione tags on.

They are broken out of their embarrassing reverie by the sound of scuffling and a loud thump coming from the other side of Harry's door.

"I'll uh- just go check that out shall I?" Says George, uncertainty hinting in his voice.

"Better you than me mate!" Says Dean jokingly.

So George heads over to the whitewashed door and cracks it open a bit, inside he sees Seamus lying on the floor with an obvious black eye forming and Harry sitting in the corner, staring at his unconscious form, looking frightened.

"D-don't c-come t-too c-close I-I-I I'm d-da-dangerous!" He stutters out, this is when George realises that Harry wasn't scared of Seamus, he was scared of himself.

He steps forward, stretching out his hand for Harry to take.

"Harry. Come on. We both know you won't hurt me." He says, slowly, calmly, as if speaking to a small child.

"O-okay" says Harry uncertainly, taking George's hand so he could pull him up, which he does.

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