It All Makes Sense Now

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Harry's P.O.V

"Yes Hermione?"
"Do you remember anything? Anything at all?"
"No. Not after sixth year started, well... I remember some things, whoever Obliviated me must have done a pretty bad job... I have some idea of who it is... Why?"
"It's just.... You were..... In..... Love."
"Really? With who?"
"I'll let you guess for a bit first."
"Okay, um, Ginny?"
"Really? That the best you can come up with?"
"Alright then, er, I have this name, in my mind, I'm not sure though."
"Okay, who is it?"
"Lavender Brown."
"No. She was Ron's.... Partner..... In sixth year."
"Oh. Oh! Okay, I get it, touchy subject. For you."
"Yes, quite." She says, pursing her lips.
"Er, oh Godric, it wasn't Luna was it?!"
"Dumbledore no!"
"Thank Merlin!"
"So..... Who was it?"
Here Hermione says the two words that will change my life, forever.

"Draco Malfoy."

"What?!" I exclaim, even though I had secretly been hoping this name would pop up in the conversation.
"You assumed it was a girl. Does this mean you aren't gay?"
"No. I just assumed that being straight was considered..... Normal here so I hoped that it was a girl but, I guess not."
"Do you still have feelings for Draco?"
"It would explain a lot."
"I've had this... Obsession... With Draco, for a while now... The pacing, looking in one direction then another... It's all because... Well... I've been trying to find him."
"Oh, well... I guess I could... Help you?"
"That would be great, but I feel like I have to do this... Alone... But thank you for the offer"
"No problem." Hermione says, getting up to leave my room, I gently grab her left wrist and she turns back around;
"Yes, Harry?" She asks softly.
"Please don't tell Ron I'm looking for him... Draco, I mean."
"I wouldn't dream of it."
"Thank you, you're the best 'Mione."
"You're welcome Harry." And with that she turns and goes, closing the door on her way out. Leaving me alone.

At that moment all I can think of is one name; Draco Malfoy. I whisper it, say it, loving the way it rolls off my tongue, tingles my mouth and sends electricity through every nerve, vein, and cell in my body. I repeat it until it becomes a mantra.

It all makes sense now.

The way I dream about him, think about him, even my words are inspired by him. The hope of finding him is keeping me alive.

He is my lifeline, now I need to be his.

I need to find him.

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