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((Credit goes to Me))
Name: Alexandra Karen Varica
Date of Birth: April, 21
Age: 15
Height: 5,3
Hair: Long brown hair, goes a little down farther than chest.
Eye: Green.
Creepypasta name: Alex
Typical Dress: Bright red jacket, Blue jeans, and black slip on shoes.
typical behavior: Sad and crying, but is smiling while murdering.
disorders: Right eye has the Operator mark (Born with it), Insomnia, and schizophrenia.
Backstory: Alex was born with the Operator mark on her right eye. The doctors said it was a birthmark and Genetic heterochromia and sent her on her way. Not too long after her birth a voice appeared in her head only being a baby and not knowing much words Alex named them Kat. Alex adored Kat she always seemed so smart and gentle Kat's only rule was to not tell her parents about her. Being a sweet innocent child she agreed. Years later she got a baby sister named Christine and got attached. She loved her sister more than the entire world. Now Alex was 15 she has been bullied about her mark so she hides it with her hair. Kat became extremely jealous of the way Alex treated her. One night while Alex was asleep Kat took over the body and Murdered Christine. Alex woke up from the scream and had seen what had happened. She cried and fled scared of being spotted.
How they became a CP: She fled to the woods and was later found by Slenderman. Bloodied, Bruised, and Broken spirited. He let her stay at the mansion.
Weapon of choice: A classic kitchen knife. She always cries because Kat needs to kill but Alex can't control it. She smiles demonically and cries every time.
Acquaintances: Lost Silver and Glitchy Red.
Association: Slenderman
Symbol placement: Right eye

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