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((Credit to OC goes to Sara Space TypewriterSaysHi))

Name: Sara Sapphire Space
Date of Birth: Febuary, 17
Age: 14
Height: 5,2
Hair: Long dirty blond hair
Eye: Brown
Creepypasta Name: Typewriter, Type, Typey
Typical Dress: Purple turtleneck, gray jacket, purple and black stripe scarf, blue jeans, silver locket, and brown shoes.
Typical Behavior: Smart, quiet, sweet, stutters, and is usually seen with J.F.
Disorders: Not really a disorder but when angry her scar under her left eye will bleed. The scar is a 'TW' under her eye.
Backstory: After her mother died she sought after having the perfect story always hating the product. A murderer was going around and labeling them with 'TW'. She finds the murderer and the murderer finds her. She outsmarts him but only after he has branded her with the mark 'TW'. For marking her she takes the keys and brands him with 'His tale of murder is over, love'
How They Became a CP: The Operator comes to her says he will protect her. She goes with him knowing the blood on her hands. A few weeks later she is reunited with J.F.
Weapon of Choice: Typewriter keys. She will not kill children
Acquaintances: Toby, J.F., and Jeff.
Association: Slenderman
Symbol placement: Left wrist

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