A Fateful Decision

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Zephyrus winged his way to the Isle of the Blessed, all the while grumbling under his breath at the task that Eros had set for him. The idea of being used as a lackey to escort a foolish female who thought to grace the bed of the god of love was insulting to his status as the god of the west wind, to say the least.

Spotting the Isle of the Blessed, he made his way to the home of the nymph who had made the bad decision of being the next bed partner of Eros. Snorting in disgust, Zephyrus landed outside the home of the nymph he had come to fetch to the island home of Eros.

Thinking of Eros and his past paramours, he rolled his eyes. The number of females – goddesses, nymphs, mortals – who had thought to capture him was staggering. The last female whom Eros had bedded had bragged that she would be the one to capture his heart and tame him, only to be quickly set aside and replaced with another. Her humiliation was still laughingly whispered about in the halls of Mount Olympus. While he was never cruel to the females he bedded, Eros never stayed with the same female for long, his interest waning quickly after the first taste.

Raising his arm, he pounded on the door, his aggravation making him hit the door with more force then he intended, causing the small home to shudder under the strength of his blows.

"By Ouranos' balls, stop pounding on my door, I'm coming!"

Brow arched in surprise at the aggravated tone coming from behind the door, Zephyrus was in the process of pounding on the door again when it suddenly flew open, revealing the delicate figure of the nymph.

Zephyrus froze as he locked eyes with the irate little nymph. Beautiful doe eyes framed with impossibly long black lashes glared up at him in barely concealed irritation. Cheeks stained a rose color from an impossibly pale face was framed by a wealth of red hair that tumbled down to the small of her back.

Heart pounding, Zephyrus could only stare in shock as long buried emotions surged to the surface, overtaking him in their intensity.


Hands on her hips, Khloris glared up at the silent winged god; annoyance evident in her posture. "Well, just don't stand there, what do you want?"

Frowning as he continued to silently stare at her, she took a better look at the god standing as still as a statue in front of her. He towered over her five-foot frame by at least a foot and a half, forcing her to throw back her head to be able to clearly see him. Eyes a unique storm grey, stared at her, their intensity as they locked onto her was disconcerting. He eyes stood out from a sun kissed face, with hair a deep mahogany. His chiseled features created a masculine beauty that she reluctantly admired.

Dragging her gaze from his face, her eyes slowly took in the rest of him. Chest bare, he had the defined muscles of a warrior, though his body was all sleek lines. Other than the closely cropped hair on his head, his body was free of any hair, giving him the appearance of a statue come to life. Beautiful wings of light grey were spread out behind him, casting shadows on the ground as the sun began its slow descent into night.

Stepping up to him, she reached out and pinched his arm, wringing a grunt of surprise from him. "Well, that proves you are alive. Now, who are you and why were you so rudely banging on my door just now?"

Bowing slightly from the waist, "My apologies, lady...?


"Lady Khloris, I am Zephyrus and I have been sent to escort you to the island of Paxos."

Quickly masking her shock at the identity of her escort off the Blessed Island, Khloris was nonplussed that the reclusive god of the west wind was to give her passage off the island. It would seem that Eros was taking no chances with ensuring her safe arrival. However, it would seem that even Eros had not entrusted Zephyrus with her true destination, it put her on guard.

Acknowledging his declaration with a slight nod, she turned around without a word and reentered her home, quickly returning with a large satchel of the supplies that she would need while she was away from her home.

Setting the satchel on the ground, she turned to close the door, feeling a gentle stirring of wind behind her; she turned around to find that her satchel had disappeared.


"I have sent your belongings on ahead my lady. The wind will carry it safely to our destination; it will be there when we arrive."

Khloris frowned, "Why would you send it ahead on the wind? Would it not make more sense to put it on the ship?"

"What ship?"

"The ship that I will be sailing on of course, is that not why you are here, to ensure that I arrive on the island swiftly and safely?"

Face solemn, "I fear my lady Khloris that you are mistaken, there is no ship. I am to personally escort you to the island."


Zephyrus cut off her line of questions by swinging her up into his arms and swiftly making a vertical takeoff, they were high in the sky heading toward Paxos before she even had a chance to protest.

"Relax, my lady. I promise a gentle ride," he said smugly.

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