chapter one: trouble

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"We need to come up with a solid plan

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"We need to come up with a solid plan." Lizzy had been at this for days now. It was frustrating. I hardly had any time to do anything else. Cleaning, cooking, lessons, ect. It all revolved around Lizzy and her obsession with Ciel.

The sad part was, I understood her. The boy was beautiful. Stronger and kinder than any person I had met before. But...

Where did Lizzy go? I probably tuned her out again and she wandered off. No matter, I had time to do my work. It was what I am get paid for, anyway.

I turned only to come face to face with Lizzy who is a little too happy for my taste. "Lucy, I have it! I have the perfect plan!" I gave her a confused look. She laughs in my face. "Come with me."

Like I had a choice. Before I could say anything, she roughly grabbed me by the hand and yanked me down the hall muttering something about how the pink hair girl almost killed her. And to be honest, I don't think she was exaggerating about that. From what little I saw from the pastel girls, they didn't mess around. With anything.

"M-ma'am, where are we going?" I ask. Somehow, we ended up in the kitchen. My mistress had a wicked look in her eye. Like she wanted to hurt someone. Someone like the pink haired girl because she almost killed her. Probably. I was scared.

"That bitch won't know what hit her. She wants to mess around with my fiance, fine. But I'll have the last laugh." My mistress pulled a knife. I was shocked by the lack of attention it drew from the rest of the staff. They either didn't notice or didn't care that she was now wielding a weapon. It was more than a little bit alarming, but I went along with it. What else could I have done?  "Come along now, Lucy. It's time."

"Time for what, mistress?" I asked. I think i was shaking. I want sure. Lizzy didn't care. Once sharing, she had me by the hand and was pulling me.

We were outside now. In front of a carriage. She still had me, and she had the knife. I wonderif we were going back to the Phantomhives. It certainly looks that way. I wondered what she was planning with the knife. Probably something not good. Maybe something bad.

"Get in." Lucy demanded. I was antimidates by the knife. I lowered my head and did as she said. She went to the driver next. "Take us to the Phantomhives." She demanded. "Do it. Do it now."

"Yes, mistress." The guy stunned but allowed it himself. Lizzy joined me in the carriage.

"We're going to cut that bitches face up in her sleep!" She giggled. The carriage started to move. "She won't be so pretty to look at after that. We'll have to be sneaky about it, though. So that's where you come in."

"Me?!" I was little shocked.

"Yes, of course. You can't expect me to get my own hands dirty. That crazy! So here we are now. Wait until you're unseen. Because if you are seen, they'll either kill olyou or something. Oh, and don't rat me out. That's not lady like."

She shove out the carriage and threw the knife at ne. It barely missed. Once I had it, I tried being unseen. I had to cut her up, but I didn't want to. She did not hurt me. What was going to do?

Before I knew it I was inside the house. Where does a person hide a knife anyway? I did not know. I put the knife in my shirt and tried to be quiet. After all, I was a maid. My mom was a maid. My dad was a butler. We were well trained. We could so this simple, messy task.

I thought about Lizzy and blushed. She was actually really cute. The Phantomhive boy was lucky to have so many cute girls in his life. Who did he like anyways? It could be Lizzy, but it could be anyone.

"It's time for sleep, he's it is." What annoying voice was that? Oh, a girls. She was okay looking. Probably would look really cute without the glasses. I shook my head and ran out of sight as quick as I could. My feet was racing. I'm surprised the girl didn't hear me. I was a maid, not an assassin!

"Amy, stop singing. Seriously. My head hurts." I froze because I recognized the voice. It was my target. The pink hair girl.

"Maddy, your going to stay with me fever right?" I guess the other girl said. I don't know, they were close. I skipped into a room nearby to get out of their way. Boy, was i in trouble.

They kept talking. I couldn't hear them. I pulled the knife and looked at it. What was I doing? Cutting up a girls face? My mistress was crazy. But... She was cute.

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