What happend...

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After we stopped,well I stopped talking to Richard,he would always try to talk to me.But I would ignore him.I wouldn't even talk to Isaiah,even though he stopped talking to me first he still wanted to know why I wasn't taking to him.

4 Months have passed and it's summer.I started to talk to my other Best friend Jasmine again who lives in California.She told my to talk to him.I didn't want to but she wanted to talk to him because he's funny.So she tells me to talk to him and I really  didn't want to.I hated it. It was very awkward between us.I didn't know what to do.

Once we started to talk a little,he thought he could be himself again...and I could never be myself again.

Its June and I guess we are Best friends again.I didn't notice it until we brought back our memories together.We actually did have good and funny times together.Even with Isaiah.The more we talked,the closer I felt to him again. Until I noticed that I was in love with Richard.

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