Our Life in School

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The summer was over and we started school,which meant we would see eachother.But at my school,we do communities which mean per each grade there are two groups. Otherwise,we would see each other alot,well everyday since I have one class with him and it's Chinese.

We would sit by eachother some how even if our teacher would put us on separate section and sides of the room.But I guess it is impossible to split us up. Everyday he would have assessments and he always came to me for help which makes me helpful and valuable.

Was it wired that Everytime my friends or one of my friends said Richards name,my stomach fluttered with butterflies.They would also say that I'd blush when I denied liking him.But I'll end up making and excuse like I'm naturally red.I mean he brought joy to me.He was my Forever!

Is it sad that I would give him signs too that I like him.I mean if he actually paid attention,then I guess he would know by now. By the way it brings joy to me whenever they say "Do you to go out?"I would just yell or just start talking about something else to change the subject.Either way I would take his agenda and he still wouldn't get the hint.I would give him so many hints and he still doesn't know.

How is it that now that he grows, now he is very cute and everyone likes him.But he broke my heart too though.I mean I never told him I liked him yet but his crush kissed him and I shattered.Even though he seen me drawing a heart on his note book saying"Angie wuz here",he still told me.But to be honest I think he is starting to get a hint, but that still upsetted me how his crush kissed him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2016 ⏰

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