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The next morning was crappy. My legs ached and my head was pounding with a headache, but I sure wasn't gonna miss school. So, without really caring about what I looked like today, I stumbled out of bed and got dresses and with having a late start today anyways, I left to go to school, or at least I tried to before Mikoto started chatting with me before I left. 

"Are you okay? You look sick." I groaned. "Maybe you should stay home." 

"No," I sighed. "As much as I wish I could,"

"You can." She interrupted. 

"As much as I wish I could," I continued. "I don't want to have to deal with make-up work that comes with missing school." 

She nodded, finally allowing me to leave the house after she wished me well. Things were still awkward for me around Mikoto since last night. I still felt bad for snooping after she explained. I arrived at school and Zafi found me right away.

"Hey, are you okay?" She cautiously asked. I just stared at her, as if she really needed to ask that question. 

"No, I feel kinda sick." I groaned out. She looked as if she was trying to hold back a smirk. "What?" I snapped.

"Well, the club want to talk to us about something or other." I raised my eyebrow as if to question her. 

"Us? Why me?" 

She laughed awkwardly, "Me, actually, but you're coming with me."

"Who says?" I stated, trying not to give in.

"Me. Please, Tori?" 

"Fine." I grudgingly said.

She cheered and dragged me to the club room, too quickly for me to keep up. She threw the doors open and Honey immediately ran over to her and started jumping excitedly.

"WE'RE THROWING A BALL." Zafi looked exasperated and looked at Tamaki as if the world was ending and it was his fault. She walked over to him and smacked him on the back of the head. 

"I can't believe you." She growled. He held the back of his head and pouted at her. 

"I didn't suggest it! It's not my fault!" He whined. 

The twins snickered and retorted together, "It's his fault." This caused Tamaki to whine and go sit in a corner. Zafi dramatically swayed over to me and began to whine. 

"I can't believe he'd do this to me, Tori. He has betrayed me. You're still on my side though, right?" She hugged me as she questioned. 

"Well, actually, I kind of like dances." I bluntly said. She looked at me like I had grown two heads and started fake crying. 

"All of my friends are betraying me." She pouted. 

"Why don't you like them?" I asked, curious. 

"Because they suck." She stated. 

"Have you actually ever been to a ball?" I question. 

"Well," she drew this out. "No, but I won't like it." Everyone else in the club was discussing it and Honey was still jumping around. 

"AND IT'S A MASQUERADE." He shouted at us. Zafi groaned again, but I just smiled.

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