"yes, ma'am. of course, ma'am. thank you so much, ma'am. i won't let you down, i promise."

tyler set down the phone excitedly and then let out a shout of joy. he'd been a poor just-out-of-college twenty three year old who'd majored in business, and he'd been looking for a job for over three months now. and finally, he'd found one. 

he'd put an ad on craigslist that said that he was looking for work and he was a business major, and that he'd be happy with any type of business. well, the offer he'd gotten wasn't quite what he'd had in mind, but he'd take what he could get. besides, these people were offering him $50 an hour, which wasn't bad at all. 

he'd gotten a call from a co-director of the samsung company. the fucking samsung company. tyler had been ecstatic. the woman, whose name was laura dun (everyone in business school had heard of her), had called tyler to ask him if he could be her son's personal assistant. which, you know, wasn't what he was expecting at all, but it paid well, so, what the heck, you know. 

tyler didn't know what the job was going to be like. easy? hard? and who was this son? was he nice? rude? old? young? tyler didn't even know what his name was. he assumed his last name was dun, since he was laura dun's son. hrm. dun son. 

tyler decided to call him that until he knew his real name. 

the assistant // joshlerWhere stories live. Discover now