Episode 6

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Narrators P.O.V
It's morning and Shijin is in his ward, scratching his head over and over again, thinking of how to deal with Jang WonHun. Just then, Seo daeyoung came in with a bag in his hands.
"Ah! You came in just in time"Shijin said with a smile
"How are you feeling?"daeyoung asked dropping the bag on shijins bed.
"I feel really great that I have never felt this good before"Shijin said with a convincing smirk
Daeyoung raised one of his eyebrows to that statement showing the 'seriously' look.
"No I actually don't feel good"Shijin said giving up joking with daeyoung
"But what is this?"Shijin asked pointing to the bag
"Your clothes. You can't just wear those that smell like sweat" daeyoung said pointing to the closet which has the clothes that Shijin wore yesterday
"Ah, and, MoYeon went to jeju with myungjoo."
"How about the kids?"Shijin asked
"I've taken them to nursery already" daeyoung reassured.
"Well, I guess we've gotta go as well" Shijin said as he pulled out the IV tube connected to his arm.
"What do you mean? You just came here yesterday night looking dead and you're gonna leave now?" Daeyoung said concerned
"I am fine now. And I know my body. There is something I must take care of"Shijin said stubbornly
Daeyoung gave up on this friend, he knows this friend too well. One thing that he is sure of is that this friend of his is surely going to die in the hands of Kang MoYeon.
Shijin changed into the clean clothes brought by daeyoung and left the room.
He told dr.song to keep quiet about him leaving to MoYeon and asked for some painkillers just in case his head starts to ache again.
--------------on daeyoungs car-----------
The two men hopped into the car, daeyoung was driving as Shijin sits in the passenger seat next to him. Shijin stared out of the window not even muttering a word.
"Where do you want to go?" Daeyoung broke the silence
Shijin kept quiet for 5 seconds and finally said, "Daetamdong (made up place) street 132 number 3"
Just like that, the whole ride was silent. Daeyoung just concentrated on the road and Shijin stared out of the window.
Daeyoung sighed from time to time, he missed the old Shijin, he has changed completely during the past few days, and yet Shijin hasn't told him anything.
The car pulled over to an old house, the front gates were rusty and some of the windows were smashed.
The two men stood in front of the gates and studied the building:
"What are we doing here?" Daeyoung asked turning to Shijin
"This was my house." Shijin replied simply
Daeyoung was quite surprised to hear that shijin actually lived in a house like this.
"Come on" Shijin said resting his right hand on daeyoungs shoulder, "there's something we need to find..."
-------------------in the house------------
Daeyoung managed to break the door open with a single kick. The inside of the house was very dusty and dark. There were no furnitures and the eerie atmosphere gave the two men chills and goosebumps.
"What are we looking for here?" Daeyoung asked
Shijin suddenly stopped his tracks and pointed to the wooden floor underneath his foot, "it's here"
"What is?"
"What we're looking for"
Daeyoung managed to get an axe from somewhere and smashed it onto the floor making a whole, there, they could see something like a plastic bag. Shijin picked it up from the mess and through the transparent plastic, they could see a black USB drive.
"What is it?" Daeyoung asked
"The thing that jang wonhun have been looking for" Shijin said with a smirk
-----------------a day ago-----------------
*shijin and his fathers call*
Shijin: "I understand Abeoji, but jang wonhun is back now. He's knocking on my door not yours. I need your help to take care of it and make sure that he pays the price for killing mother."
Father:"alright, I'll tell you. Jang wonhun was a member of the beta team back then, he joined us afterwards and we were great friends, but one day, I overheard his conversation with someone on a phone and found out that he was a spy sent from the north. I poked him out, but before we could do anything, he disappeared without a trace.....then, there was this day where he sneaked into the the headquarters trying to steal the USB containing all the informations of the operations carried out and the information of all the secret agents and soldiers in the field. That must've been his mission. I caught him just when he was about to escape and fought for the USB. He escaped leaving the USB in my hands. The headquarters thought that the USB would be safer with me as they think that Jang WonHun must've think that the USB would be in the hands of the HQ for more protection. That is why I hid it under the floor at home, it turns out that Jang wonhun was not fooled and he came looking for the drive that night. The night where you and your mother was attacked, I guess he escaped because I came back home before he could find the USB."
Shijin: "thanks Abeoji, that means a lot to me. Where about is the USB then?"
Father:"when you go in the house by the front door, turn right and walk around 7 steps. It will be under the wooden floor tile around there."
MoYeon's P.O.V
I'm currently in a hotel in jeju with Myungjoo. I sat down on the sofa staring in space, so restless about how shijin is doing.
"Aigoo, Kang MoYeon, you look so messed up" myungjoo said sarcastically
"Don't worry about Shijin sunbae, he will do just fine, you've worried a lot already, take a break! It's the whole point of this vacation! Stop worrying, it will only make sunbae more depressed" she then convinced.
"Alright, I'll just make one more call to check on him" I pleaded
"Go ahead, I'll be waiting for you outside, let's go have some food." Myungjoo said with a smile before she left the room.
I took a deep breathe and called Dr.songs number, i was afraid that I'll wake Shijin up if he was resting.
"Ne kang seonsaeng, what's the matter?" Dr.song answered the call
"Hi dr.song, it's nothing much, I just want to ask about how's Shijin doing. Is he resting well?" I asked
"Well, about that......."

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