Episode 7

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Narrators P.O.V
"Well about that...." Dr.song said
"What? Did something happen?!" MoYeon asked looking worried
"No! No! Nothing happened, Major Yoo is doing very well, he may be discharged this afternoon" dr.song lied
"Okay then, make sure he takes his medicine! That man is a headache when it comes to resting and medicines!" MoYeon commented
"Aigoo, Kang seonsaeng, arasseo! I know what to do so you should just rest, I'll take extra good care of him!" Dr.song reassured
"Okay then, bye!" MoYeon said before she hung up.
She let out a sigh of relief, Shijin still hasn't explained to her yet, but she has to understand his point of view. She ruffled her messy hair, she missed how Shijin used to tie her hair up with his bad skills but she still loved it. The times they were together.
"Yah! Kang MoYeon! Ppali! My legs are going numb waiting for you!" Myungjoo called from outside making MoYeon jump in realization that myungjoo was waiting for her for the whole time.
------------back at shijins place----------
Shijin's P.O.V
"We've got to bring this to the HQ now" I showed daeyoung the USB. He seemed to have realized what the whole situation was now.
We got out of the house and went on daeyoungs car. It was silence again, I felt sorry that I made him worry a lot but I don't want to get him involved.
"You know that he may come back right?" Daeyoung said
"Yeah. We'll have to figure out another plan. The kids and women have to be safe" I agreed
"Oh right, speaking of kids...aren't we supposed to pick them up?" I realized
Daeyoung turned and looked at me. It's 3:30pm already and we are half an hour late. The office will phone MoYeon and myungjoo's phone to ask out it, and if they know...we're gonna be doomed.
Daeyoung quickly made a U turn and went towards the direction of the nursery. We could hand in the USB after picking the kids up anyways.
"Do you think that they'd know?" I asked
"Let's hope not"Daeyoung gulped
---------------at the nursery--------------
The car turned into the entrance of the nursery and the two men got out immediately sprinting to the office so that they could get there before they phone the other two.
Shijin went through the doors of the office:
"eoh! Appa!" KwanJoon called out in excitement
"Eoh! Our joonie~ sorry for being late..appa had something to do." Shijin said as he walked over to pick up KwanJoon.
Daeyoung arrived shortly after and was met with a sleeping EunBin. She looked so peaceful. He went over and carried her without waking her up.
Shijin asked the staffs whether they have phoned the other two or not:
Shijin: "heokshi...have you called the kids mothers before we arrived?"
Staff: "ahh, you came in just before I was about to call her so I didn't"
Shijin thanked her and thank lord that they didn't call MoYeon.
"Appa" KwanJoon asked
"Why are you sweating so much?" KwanJoon said as he wiped off the sweat on shijins forehead with his sleeves
"That's because appa was running. When you run, you sweat" Shijin replied, he felt very happy in the inside, having his son to help him wipe off his sweat was what any father could've wished for.
"Looks like Our joonie runs a lot too" Shijin said while ruffling kwanjoons hair soaked with sweat.
The two men exited the office with their children in their arms.
"I guess that this is not the right image for well built men like us" Shijin suggested
"This is probably why snoopy doesn't have children" Daeyoung joked
The two men laughed as they entered the car. The kids were at the backseat.
Daeyoung started heading to the HQ, on the car, KwanJoon sang along with the now awake EunBin to their favorite pororo song and the two fathers just hummed along with them. Without even noticing, they have arrived at the headquarters. Shijin suggested that he was going to hand in the USB and Daeyoung should stay in the car with the kids.
And then, it was only Daeyoung and the kids left in the car. Silence.
"Uncle Daeyoung" KwanJoon suddenly asked
"Where did appa go?" KwanJoon said curiously
"Your appa went to do some work." Daeyoung said
"Will he come back?"he then asked
"Of course! Why wouldn't he?" Daeyoung thought it was quite odd for him to ask that question
"Appa might not come back one day, and I'm scared."
Daeyoung kept silent
"Appa will not leave eomma and I right?"
"Kwanjoon ah, your appa will never leave you and your eomma. He loves you all so much that he wished that he'd never leave you guys again. But joon ah, this is what a soldier does, you must understand your appa's decision." Daeyoung explained, he understood kwanjoons feeling. Daeyoung himself was also afraid that he'd leave myungjoo and EunBin one day.
"Geureom, uncle Daeyoung, you will not leave EunBin and auntie myungjoo too right?"
"EunBin told me that you once left with appa and auntie myungjoo and eomma was very sad"
"Uncle Daeyoung will never leave again, your appa too." Daeyoung reassured
Just then, Shijin came out of the building and went into the car, making himself comfortable in the passengers seat.
"Shall we go?" Daeyoung asked
"To my place." Shijin insisted
----------------at shijins house-----------
The two men went into the house, Daeyoung cleaned up the mess while Shijin was in the hospital. They tucked KwanJoon and EunBin into kwanjoons bed, the kids must've been very tired.
Shijin made coffee for Daeyoung and him, they both sat at the dining table:
"What did they say?" Daeyoung asked about the USB
"Thy said that they'd take care of it and thanked me for handing it in, but he must still be out there. We have to be careful." Shijin replied
"Your son is very like Kang seonsaeng." Daeyoung said
"Is that good or bad?"
"It's too good that it might hurt him."
Shijin made a puzzled look
"He's very worried. Although he knows that his appa might not come back one day, he doesn't want to show his worries to him because he respects his fathers decisions." Daeyoung said proudly
"So don't leave them. Stay healthy. And don't make them worry."
"You too. Now that I think of it, I wasn't able to do much for them." Shijin acknowledged
"It's hard. Isn't it?"
The two men chucked, but inside their mind, they still have one more thing to do. Catching Jang WonHun in order to protect their family.

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