Cheppr 1

20 0 1

Many many years later, long after the Romeo et Juliet tragedy, Berry meets a nice young lad called Shane. In the beginning they're just, like, ya'know. Cool. But as time passes, they start to know each other better and decide to meet up. He plans to come all the way to Stratford, just to see his close "friend". However, the tables have turned and they find themselves in a budding romantic relationship. However, Shane is a psychopath at heart and decides to jump off a bridge. Berry, finding his broken body, cries and shoots herself in the head. BUT!! Shane is not dead, only unconscious. He sees Berry's bloody remains and decides to take his own life because he can. He takes the gun and shoots himself twice in the nuts and once in the head (and destroys MCR). P.s. Berry was preggers.

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