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Hello bitches
Wait why did I call you bitches, that's just rude😨😱
Oh, wait for me bitch equals to sexy ass person😊
So if I call you a bitch then that means you're on my good side hehe
Now if I call you something other than bitch then boy you better run as far away as possible 😂
Does this make any sense?
Oh well, bite me!💁🙅

So, I need to turn my serious mode on for a moment so that I can explain what is it that you're reading.
Honestly, I have no fucking clue😂
I just wanted to write a "book" for those who would like to know more about me.
So, all in all, this book is going to be something like a biography. BUT a really weird biography since that's just me. A really peculiar guy and I am proud of it😎

Moreover, I think I am going to write any old weird and funny experiences of mine here. So be prepared for that, as well. Also, I am a very good ranting idiot and sometimes I can't keep my mouth shut. Like for real😂

Hm, what else?
Oh yeah, I am a good storyteller, as well so I will most probably write some of my personal stories here, too.
Bluh bluh bluh, all in all, this book is going to be some weird ass shit so if you're not into that then BYE FELICIAAAA🙅🙅🙅

Bluh bluh bluh, all in all, this book is going to be some weird ass shit so if you're not into that then BYE FELICIAAAA🙅🙅🙅

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Oh wait, I just realized I'm always silly hehe. Even when I'm serious lol. I just can't help it, people. Don't judge me!

How about I introduce myself huh?
You should have done that earlier you, idiot!
Shut up! Did anyone ask for your opinion asshole? Eh?
That's right! Now keep being quiet like the good boy you're NOT. People are watching us and we are embarrassing ourselves.😑

So guys ignore my stupid mind. He really likes talking and he can't seem to shut it... just like me😂

Anyways, my name is Ari.

I'm from Greece 🗻🌅

I love ballet and I actually can dance ballet (My favorite ballet play is " A Midsummer Nights Dream" but I really liked " The nutcracker" as well lol). If I could start ballet classes, believe me, I would. But ain't nobody got time for that! My last year is killing me and I can't wait for school to end so that I can go to college.

 But ain't nobody got time for that! My last year is killing me and I can't wait for school to end so that I can go to college

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The peculiarity of being MEWhere stories live. Discover now