Ari's Movies Corner

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(hm, I kind of like this "nickname" hehe Should I call you that from now on?)

Anyways, so here's another chapter of "getting to know Alaric Blackstone" YAY😊

No one wants to get to know you, idiot!😎

Shut up! Everyone wants to get to know me hm😡


Pft, whatever...

So moving on, I thought it would be awesome if I showed you guys some of the movies I enjoy watching and why I love them so much. So that a) you find out something more about my preferences and b) who knows maybe you can check out the movies I am going to list and actually enjoy them, as much as I do.

Of course, I can't show them all. That would take a lottttt of time and ain't nobody got time for dat 😂
So I am going to list 10 movies for the time being and maybe if I remember any other movies I've watched I might as well add them here whenever I find some time lol.( That's why tilted this chapter Ari's movies CORNER hehe)
So here they are...

First one is:
Death becomes her

This movie is the BEST because a) it's vintage and I ADORE old movies b) because Meryl freaking Streep plays in the movie(she's AMAZING) and c) because everyone likes a comedy movie.
I'm not going to say what' the plot of the movie because if I start I will not be able to stop and I'm going to end up spoiling the movie. However, I will say this much "LIVE FOREVER"👑

Second movie:
Edge of Seventeen

Now, THIS movie is my favorite. It's the first ever gay movie I watched. When I first watched this movie I wasn't even sure I was gay lol. I remember, it was midnight and everyone was asleep but me(as always) so I thought why not watch a movie? This movie popped on my laptop's screen so I put on my earphones and...well, yeah I LOVED it and I wanted to be just like the main character. This movie is just great! It's about friendships, first crushes, family, acceptance and in general FINDING WHO YOU REALLY ARE AND WHAT YOU REALLY WANT👬👫👭 #loveislove

Third movie:
Were the world mine

I just LOVE a great musical and THIS one is one of my favorites. You should totally check this musical out because firstly, Timothy is so fucking CUTE😍 and secondly everyone should be given the chance to see the world in a different way. Just remember "all the world is a stage" and "if you could make someone love you, would you?"😉(Oh, by the way, the main character is gay so if you have a problem with that then just don't watch it MUHAHA👿)

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